Abbreviations (used in inprint bibliography).
, , pages 227 ff
Abolition bf slavery, Maryland society for,
sea Maryland society for promoting-the
abolition of slavery.
Abridgement of Christian doctrine, Short . ,
...pages 135-136^
items 224, 420
Abstract cf the duty-law of the United States
. , , item 40
Abstract of the proceedings of the Corpora-
tion for the relief of the widows and
children of the clergy of the Protestant
Episcopal church in Maryland .......
.... item 355
Academy, Baltimore .............
..... page 15
Academy, Hagerstown..............
.... page 181
Account of the Pelew islands, from the
journal of Capt. Henry Wilson and his
officers, by George Keate....
.... item 178
Act for incorporating Baltimore town in
Baltimore, county, into a city......
.... page 8,
item 188
Act for the government and regulation of
seamen in the merchants' service
..... item 461
Act for the relief and protection of
property within this state..........
.... item 326
Act for the valuation of real and personal
property within this state ........
.... item 71
Act repealing duties laid upon distilled
.... item 41
Act to declare and explain the law in certain
cases therein mentioned, Observations on
the proposed bill [by J.L.Bozman] ....
.... item 155
Act to erect Baltimore-town, in Baltimore
county, into a city............
.... item 335
Act to establish a bank, and incorporate the
subscribers thereto...........
.... item 342
Act to regulate and discipline the militia
of this state ..............
.... page 219,
items 125, 183,
Acts of assembly for the regulation of
. items 600, 601
Acts passed at different sessions of the
General assembly ... concerning the navi-
gation of the river Susquehanna, and es-
tablishment of Havre-de-Grace, &c., and
naturalization laws................
... item 377