Office, for the Baltimore Directory for 1796 lists
him as "officer of th$ revenue.11 His successor,
Francis Brumfield, optimistically addressed the patrons
and friends of the newspapers
As I now have the materials for this work, and
the assistance of some excellent workmen, I
flatter myself, I shall be enabled to preserve
the reputation, so Justly due to this widely
circulating and useful paper .., I propose to
publish, as formerly, every Tuesday and Friday,
and the price to subscribers will be twenty
shillings per annum. As there are near 2000
of these papers dispersed over this state, and
every state in America, every publishing day,
the advantage of advertising in the Journal
must be obvious to all mercantile characters.11
Brumfield remained with the paper for only two
months and the issue of December 30, 1794, no. 1778,
was the last issue of the Maryland Journal as a semi-
weekly. The Baltimore public now demanded daily
papers, and, as a daily, the Maryland Journal took a
new — although brief — lease on life. Philip Edwards,
an enterprising young publisher, united his Edward's
Daily Advertiser, not quite two years old, with the
Maryland Journal, to form the Maryland Journal and
Baltimore Universal Daily Advertiser.
Philip Edwards, Beginning Printer in Baltimore. --
Philip Edwards himself stated that he was "born and
bred up in Baltimore"12, and the date of his birth
must have been about 177213 , but no information has
11 Ibid. October 31, 1794.
12 Ibid. March 21, 1797.
13 Federal gazette. October. 16, 1800.