expedition. - v. 2. The conquest of Mexico,
by Hernando Cortes. - v. 3. The discovery of the
golden Castile. The conquest of Peru, by Francis
Pizaro. The settlement of Brasil by the Portu-
guese, and its several revolutions, - v. 4. The
discoveries of the English in America. The dis-
coveries and settlements cf the French in America.
The discoveries and settlements of the Dutch in
America, A Danish settlement in America. Voy-
ages around, the world (Drake, Schovten, and Le
Maire) - v. 6. The voyages cf Cap. William
Darnpicr, round the world. The voyage of Captain
Woodes Rogers, round the world, v. 7. Commodore
Anson's voyage round the world. - v. 8. The voy-
age of Vasco de Gama to India. The voyage of
Podro Alvarez de Cab ral, to the East -Indies. The
voyage cf Captain James Lancaster to the East-
Indies, The expedition of Commodore Eeaulieu to
the East-Indies.
Description from L. C. card. CA 9-615 Unrev'd;
only copy located (DLC) not examined, because of
war restrictions. This copy is imperfect: v. 2,
t. -p., prefatory matter and pages following 248
wanting; v, 6, t.-p. wanting.
Not in Evans.
Corporation for the relief cf the widows and
children cf the clergy of the Protestant Episco-
pal church in Maryland.
An / Abstract / of the / proceedings / of
the / Corporation / for the relief of the widows
and children / of the / clergy / of tho / Protest-
ant Episcopal church / in / Maryland. / [rule] /
Baltimore, Printed by Philip Edwards, / No. 1,
Light-street. / [rule]/ 1797. //
120. 19 cm.
Pages: [1-3], 4-12.
No signatures.
Evans 32724-.
MdBD, MdHi.
[Duane, William] 1760-1835.
Letter / to / George Washington / President
cf the United States: / containing, /stric-
tures / on his / Address / of tho seventeenth of
September, 1796, / notifying his relinquishment