Baltimore town.
Baltimore: 1796?
Copyrighted December 16, 1795. - Federal
gazette, January 6, 1796.
Not in Evans.
No copy located.
Sunday monitor. / [rule] / "How sweet the toil,
when philanthropy's the cause." / [rule] /Vol.
I. No. 1. Sunday, December 18, 1796.//
[Baltimore: Printed by Philip Edwards. 1796]
folio. 43 cm. 1 folded sheet, 4 columns to
the page.
"The first issue of a Sunday news paper in the
United States, and, apparently, the only issue
made. It is a noticeable fact, that both this
attempt, and that of the Weekly museum, in Jan-
uary, 1797, to establish Sunday journalism,
should have been made under the Charter of Mary-
land." - Evans.
Evans 31254.
Thompson, William.
The / Baltimore town and Fell's Point /
directory, / containing / the names, occupations
and places of abode of the / inhabitants; ar-
ranged in alpha- / betical order: - also - / a
register / of the executive, legislative, and
judicial magi- / strates of the United States
and of the state / of Maryland, with their salar-
ies; / together, / with a list of the duties pay-
able at the port of / Baltimore - and an abridged
almanac, shew- / ing the days of the week and
month / for the year, &c . &c . / crule] / The
first edition. [rule] / By Thompson and Walker. /
[double rule ] /
Baltimore: / Printed fcr the proprietors, by
Pechin & cc. / No, 27, Gay-street. // [1796]
12C 18 1/2 cm.
Pages: [1-3], 4-84, [85-86], 87-99, [100].
Signatures: [A]6, E6-H6, I2.
Evans 31297; Sabin 2998.
MWA, MdBE (photostat), MdEP, MdHi.