Keatinge, George, d. 1811.
Bale catalogue of books, for 1796. - Part
first, containing a general assortment of English
books, in every department of polite literature.
Part second, contains a collection of French &
German books - now selling wholesale and retail on
the most reasonable terms.
Baltimore: George Keatinge. 1796,
Advertised as "this day published" in the May 6,
1796 issue of the Maryland journal, & Baltimore
Evans 36652.
No copy located.
Linley, Francis, 1774-1800.
Linley's assistant, / for the / piano-forte./
containing the / necessary rudiments for beginners,
and / twenty-four lessons / progressively arranged:
with / preludes, rules for thorough bass, and a
short / dictionary of musical terms, &c. / The
lessons and preludes have their fingering marked./
[ornamental rule] / A new edition - price one dollar
fifty cents. / [ornamental rule] /
Printed & sold by I. Carr, at his music store,
Market-street, Baltimore. / where may had / Anton-
iotto's Treatise on the composition of music, Dis,
5 50 / Rameau's ditto, 2 75 / Lamp's Thorough bass,
3 25 / Dr. Pepusch's Treatise on 3 and 4 parts,
2 50 / [index] Music engraved and printed // [1796:
4°. 31 1/2 cm.
Pages: 1 p. 1.; numbered leaves, 2-4; p. 5-32.
No signatures.
"Advertised Sept. 30, 1796, as printed and sold
by J. Carr, Baltimore." - Upton, p. 380.
Not in Evans.
MdHi .
Linley, Francis, 1774-1800.
A Now assistant, / for the piano-forte or
harpsichord / containing the necessary rudiments
for beginners, / with twelve airs or short lessons,
progressively arrang'd: / to which is added, six
sonatas, one of which is adapted / for two per-
formers, with preludes, rules for thorough / bass,
a short dictionary of musical terms. &c. / [orna-
mental rule ] N. B. [ornamental rule ] / The lessens,