half sheet of Citizen Adet's note to the secretary
of the United States, from page 3 to page 11. They
were folded up in quires,., [signed] George
Keatinge, Henry S. Keatinge."
Probably same text as item 285 below.
Hot in Evans.
No copy located.
Prance. Legation, U. S.
Maryland journal, extra. / [rule]/ Note /
of / P. A. Adet, / minister of the French republic,/
to the / secretary of state / of the / United
States. / [double rule] /
Baltimore: / Printed by Philip Edwards, No. 1,
Light-street. / [rule] / 1796. //
8°. 22 1/2 cm.
Pages; [1-2] 3-18.
No signatures.
Not in Evans .
[Gessnor, Salomon] 1730-1788.
Bern Andenkcn / deutscher / dichter und phil-
osophen / [rule] / gewidmot / von / Deutschen /
in / Amerika / Erster band. / cdouble rule] /
Baltimore / Gedruckt[von Samuel Saun] bey G.
Keatinge / 1796. //
sm. 8°. 18 cm. front, (port.)
Pages: 5 p.l., p. [i], ii-iv, cv-vi], [1], 2-20,
112 [1], 122-186, [187], 188-192, [193-194], 195-324,
Signatures: 8 p.l., A8-I8, K8-M8, [N]8, O8-U8,X2,
"The preface, dated Philadelphia and Baltimore
announces this to be the first volume of a series
to be dovotcd to the works of famous German authors;
and contains Salomon Gossner's Tod Abols, Daphnis,
and Die Nacht. The dedication is to Goorgo Wash-
ington. This volume, only, was published." -Evans.
Evans 29989, Seidensticker p. 142.
CSmH, MdHi, PPG.
Ivins, Samuel.
The / Pennsylvania, New-Jersey, / Delaware,
Maryland, / and Virginia / almanac, / for the year
of Our Lord, 1797; / being the first after leap-
year, / and the 22d of American independence, after