Trimmer, Mrs. Sarah Kirby (Trimmer) 1741-1810,
Fabulous histories / Designed for the / amuse-
ment and instruction / of young persons. / [rule] /
By Mrs. Trimmer. / [rule]/
Baltimore: / Printed, for Keating's book-store [by
Samuel Sower?]/ [rule] / 1795 //
12°. 17 cm.
Pagos: [i-iii], iv-v, [vi-vii], viii, [9], 10-214,
Signatures; [A]6 B6-I6, K6-R6, S5
Not in Evans.
MdBP, MdHi.
Verbessort / hoch-deutsch- / americanischer / land
und staats- / calender, / aufs 1796ste jahr
Christi, / welches. ein schalt jahr / von 366 tagen./
Priedcrich-Stadt: / Gebruckt [!] und zu haben bey
Matthias Bartgis. // [1795]
sm. 4°. 20 1/2 cm. 1 illus.
Pages: [28]
Signatures: [A]10, C2, D2.
Cover- title, illustrated.
Evans 29786, Seidensticker p. 140.
Tho Washington spy, No. 233. / [rule] / Tuesday,
January 6, 1795. [-No, 283, Thursday, December
31, 1795]...
[colophon:] Elizabeth-(Hager's) Town, / Printed by
Stewart Herbert. // [1795]
folio. 38 1/2 cm. 1 folded sheet, 3 columns tc
a page, in each issue.
Issued weekly.
On March 10 imprint changed to Elizabeth-(Hager's)
Town, / Printed by Phebe Herbert, / and John D.
Cary. //
Evans 29836.
MdHi. For other copies see Brigham,
[double rule] / ... Dio / Wcstliche corresponded,/
und / Hagerstauner wochonschrift. / Num. 1. Mitwochs
don 10. juni, 1795. [?] [- Num. 30. Mitwochs, den
50. dezember, 1795 ?]
Diese zeitung wird alle mitwoch morgens herausge-
geben von Johann Gruber, in dor doutsch- und