Beware lest any man spoil you thro' philosophy
and / vain deceit, after the tradition of men,
after the rudiments / of the world and not after
Christ: / for in Him dwelleth / all the Fullness
of the Godhead bodily: and yea are complete / in
Him, who is the Head of principality and power.
Col. / II, 8-10. / trouble rule] /
Baltimore: / Printed by Samuel Sower, / 1795. //
sm. 8°. 18 cm.
Pages : [8]
No signatures.
Evans 29240.
Protestant Episcopal church in the U.S.A. Mary-
land (Diocese)
Journal / of a / convention / of the / Protest-
ant Episcopal church / in the state of / Mary-
land; / held in Baltimore-Town, / Prom May 28, to
May 30, 1795 / both days inclusive. / [double rule]
Baltimore: / Printed by P. Edwards Sc J. W. Alien, /
[rule] / M,DCC,XCV. //
16°. 18 cm.
Pages: [1-63, 7-15.
No signatures.
Not in Evans .
Rights of man: - By John Winter. / [rule] / Volume
the first. No. 51. Wednesday, January 7, 1795
[-Volume the second. No. 102. Wednesday, December
30, 1795]...
Frederick-Town (Maryland): Printed by John Winter
and John D. Gary, Patrick-street /...// [l795]
folio. 41 cm. 1 folded sheet, 3 columns to the
page, in each number.
"Between Mar. 4 and May 13, 1795, the paper was
again acquired by John Winter." - Brigham.
Issued weekly.
Evans 29420.
Rowson, Susanna (Haswell) 1762-1824.
The / Fille de chambre, / a novel. / [rule] /