Dec, 30.
Printed by James Angell & Paul J, Sullivan,
Jan. 1 - June 9. Printed by James Angell, June 11
Oct. 28 (no imprint, Oct. 13 - 28). Printed and
published by Francis Brumfield & co., Oct. 31 -
Dec. 30.
Evans 27273.
MdBE. For other copies see Brigham.
The Maryland journal and Baltimore advertiser.
New-year's verses, / addressed to the /
friends and patrons / of the / Maryland journal,
&c. / by the / printers' boy. / January, 1, 1794. //
[ornamental rule]/ ... [36 lines of text]
[Baltimore, Printed by James Angell & Paul J.
Sullivan, 1794]
broadside: 25 1/2 x 20 cm.
Six verses; the first is
Again bleak winter's frosty hand,
Displays his rigid snow-clad wand,
And scatters far and wide
His frosts, while all the heaven's o'ercast,
And on each sweeping, chilling blast
His angry spirits ride.
Title enclosed in ornamental rule.
Not in Evans
The Maryland magazine. No. 1. September, 1794.
Embellished with a beautiful engraving.
Baltimore: Printed by James Angell, for George
Keatinge, Market-street. 1794.
"How much, if any, longer publication was con-
tinued is not known." - Evans.
Advertised in the Maryland journal and Baltimore
advertiser of July 25, 1794, in the advertisement
of Keatinge' s book store, as "On the 1st Monday in
September, will be published, no. 1 of the Mary-
land magazine, embellished with a beautiful engrav-
ing. Price is 10 1/2 each no. to be continued
Evans 27274.
No copy located.