The Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia almanack,
for the year 1794.
Frederick-Town, Maryland: Printed by Matthias
Eartgis. 1793.
Undoubtedly referred to by the advertisement in
Bartgis's Maryland gazette of December 19, 1793.
"In the press, and speedily will be published, al-
manacks for the year 1794." Also, by this ad-
vertisement in the January 9, 1794 issue: "Just
spublished, and to be old, by the printer hereof,
almanacks, for the year 1794. Containing, be-
sides the usual calculations, a variety of pleas-
ing and entertaining amusement, together with a
regular account of the ravage and progress of the
late malignant fever in Philadelphia, with a list
of names of the most respectable inhabitants who
fell a sacrifice."
Not in Evans.
No copy located.
Protestant Episcopal church in the U.S.A. Mary-
land (Diocese)
Journal / of the / proceedings / of a / con-
vention / of the / Protestant Episcopal church /
in / Maryland, / held at Easton, / from / Thurs-
day, May 23, to Saturday, May 25, 1793. / [double
rule] /
Baltimore: / Printed by James Angell, in Market-
street. / M,DCC,XCIII. //
8°. 20 1/2 cm.
Pages: [1-5], 6, ,7, 8-12, [13], 14-28.
Signatures: 2 p.l.; A4-B4,ss B4.
Evans 26039.
MBB, MdHi, NN.
Sharp, Granville, 1735-1813.
Letter / from / Granville Sharp, esq. / of /
London, / to the / Maryland society / for promot-
ing the / abolition of slavery, / and the / relief
of free Negroes and others, unlawfully / held in
bondage. / [rule] / Published by order of the so-
ciety. / [rules] /
Baltimore: / Printed by D. Graham, L. Yundt, and.
W. Patton, in Calvert- / street, near the Court-
house. / H.DCC.XCIII. //