The Washington spy, No. 80. / [rule] / Wednesday,
January 4, 1792. [- no. 131, Friday, December 28,
1792] ...
[colophon:] Ellzabeth-(Hager's) Town, / Printed by
Stewart Herbert. // [1792]
folio. 38 1/2 cm. 1 folded sheet, 3 columns to
a page, in each issue.
Issued weekly.
Evans 24986.
MdHi, For other copies see Brigham.
The First edition of the Weavers' draft-book, and
clothiers' assistant, printed on a beautiful copper-
plate, containing a choice collection of 52 drafts
in the figured line of weaving, with proper direc-
tions how to draw in, tie up, and thread down each
figure, and to size cotton warps; together with
some valuable receipts in the dying-line, all per-
formed with American materials. It is hoped the
real friends to American manufactures will encour-
age this work, as it is calculated and designed to
diffuse manufacturing knowledge through the states,
and is the first book of the kind that has ever
made its appearance in America (or perhaps in Eur-
ope). The dying-receipts are valuable, and the
whole calculated for the domestic use of the
farmer and manufacturer.
Baltimore: Sold, wholesale and retail, by John &
George Hagerty, stationers, in Water-street. 1792.
"Compiled by an experienced weaver, of Harford
county, in this state." - Evans.
Advertised in the Maryland journal and Baltimore
advertiser of November 23, 1792, as "Just pub-
lished, and to be sold ... price five shillings."
The files of the W.P.A. American imprints inven-
tory, Chicago, have a card, evidently for this
publication, attributing the authorship to John
Hargrove, and locating a copy in a private collec-
tion in Eutawville, South Carolina,. An attempt to
verify the Information by correspondence was unsuc-
Evans 24996.
No copy located.