Mercer, John Francis, 1759-1821-
Mr. Mercer considers Mr, Ross's / publication
against him in no other respect wor- / thy of
reply, than as it contains one continued / tissue
of misrepresentation of sentiment and misstatement
of / fact -...[Twenty- one additional lines of text]
Annapolis, September 15, 1792. //
[Baltimore? Printed by W. Goddard & J. Angell?
broadside. 24 x 19 1/2 cm.
"This is in answer to 'Strictures on Mercer's
introductory discourse relative to the payments
made of the British debts into the treasury of
Maryland during the late war' (published in 1789)
and issued anonymously in London, in 1790." -
Evans 24538.
Mercer, John Francis, 1759-1821.
An offhand reply to Voter, &c. / Mr. Mercer
has had too much experience to make a livelihood
of / politics ... [49 additional lines of text]
[signed] John F. Mercer. //
[Annapolis, Printed by P. and S. Green. 1792]
broadside. 33 1/2 x 21 cm.
This broadside is apparently referred to in a
notice signed by John Kilty, in the Maryland
gazette (Annapolis) of October 4, 1792: "In the
Handbill issued from your press on Saturday last
[Sept. 29] by Col. Mercer, I am referred to for
testimony in two cases."
Not in Evans.
MdHi .
The / New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Dela- / ware,
Maryland and Virginia / almanac, / and / ephemeris,
/ for the year of Our Lord / 1793; / being the first
after leap-year, the seventeenth of A- / merican
independence, and the fifth year of our / federal
government - / which may the Governor of the, world
prosperl / Containing the motions of the sun and
moon; the / true places and aspects of the eight
planets; the ri- / sing and setting of the sun, and
the rising, setting, / southing, age and latitude
of the moon, &c. / Also, the lunations, conjunc-
tions, eclipses, judg- / ment of the weather, re-