Sabin, Joseph. Bibliotheca Americana.
A dictionary of books relating to Ameri-
ca, from its discovery to the present
time. Begun by Joseph Sabin, and con-
tinued by Wilberforce Barnes [later,
R.W.G. Vail] for the Bibliographical so-
ciety of America. New York, 1868-1936.
29 v.
Seidens ticker
Seidensticker, Oswald. The first century
of German printing in Americat 1728-
1830 ... Philadelphia, German pioneer-
verein, Schaefer, 1893. 253 p.
New York. Public Library. Washington
eulogies; a checklist of eulogies and
funeral orations on the death of Wash-
ington, December, 1799 - February,
1800, compiled by Margaret Bingham
Stillwell... [New York] New York pub-
lic library, 1916. 68 p.
Vail, Robert William Glenroie, Susanna
Haswell Rowson, the author of Charlotte
Temple; a bibliographical study. (In
American antiquarian society. Proceed-
ings, new series, v. 42, pt. 1, p. 47-
160. April 1932)
Wheeler, Joseph Towne. The Maryland
press, 1777-1790 ... Baltimore, Mary-
land historical society, 1938. 226 p.
Wroth, Lawrence Counselman. A history
of printing in colonial Maryland. Balti-
more, Typothetac of Baltimore, 1922.
275 p.
All other authorities will be quoted in this bibli-
ography by both author and title. Publishers and dates,
if desired, may be obtained in Appendix .E, Bibliography
of Works Consulted.
The symbols for the location of books are those
used in the Union Catalog of the Library of Congress,
and the card file of the American Imprints Inventory.