The foregoing pages have attempted to present a
picture of Maryland's printing activities during the
final decade of the eighteenth century, through the
lives of the men who operated the presses.
There were forty-five individual printers who
worked in Maryland during this decade. Of these,
thirty-two printed in Baltimore.
That the period was one of rapid change and ex-
pansion may be indicated by the fact that, of these
thirty-two Baltimore printers there was only one who
was operating a press in the city In both 1791 and
1800. That printer was John Hayes. Two other firms
were active in Baltimore in 1791, Goddard and Angell,
and Samuel and John Adams; they changed before 1795.
Baltimore had nearly doubled her population in
those ten years (13,503 in 1790 and 26, 514 in 1800,
according to the census figures). At the same time,
migration to the west was rapidly settling Frederick
and Washington Counties. Increased population de-
manded more news, and so printing, especially news-
Paper printing, grew rapidly in the western counties.
The demand for additional presses could be met more
saaily? for, as Wroth points out in his Colonial Print-
er, paper making and typefounding were expanding indus-