ferson, extracted from Thomas Jefferson's writings,
"gratis to the matrons of the Republican Star."40 In
his first anniversary issue, he disclaimed any impar-
tiality in the conduct of his journal,
Having from my infancy-been reared with the
principles which I still profess, I at once
proclaimed them to the world, that the citizens
who might tender me their patronage should not
be. deceived by a false and delusive idea of im-
partiality. In thus, at once, declaring my
political sentiments, I xiid not, and hope I
never shall, lose sight of the high esteem in
which I hold men who are friends to their country
tho' ever 30 much opposed to me in politics.41
Those political sentiments evoked a paragraph of
approval by Alexander Martin in the American of Septem-
ber 3, 1799, which greeted the new paper;
A newspaper has been commenced at Easton, on the
Eastern Shore of this state, by a gentleman of
the name of T. P. Smith - it is entitled "The
Republican Star," 'and from the talents and
spirit of the editor, excites strong expecta-
tions of tenefitting the good cause.
In spite of difficulties of obtaining workmen
capable of executing the printers1 duties creditably,42
the Republican Star prospered. At the end of its first
year, it claimed four hundred on its subscription
list. T, p. Smith's younger brothers, George Wishart
Smith and Charles Smith, and sister, Ann Smith, were
soon residents of Talbot County.44 An older brother,
40 Appendix A. Imprint bibliography, item 589.
41 Quoted in Easton star. March 20, 1877.
42 laston star. March 20, 1877.
43 Ibid. March 20, 1877.
44 Harris on, S.A. Memoranda of the annals of Talbot
county, Maryland. Biographical annals.