To the Honourable the Members of the
Senate, No. 421.
To the People of Maryland, No. 56.
To the Public (1782), No. 234.
To the Voters of Anne-Arundel County -,
No. 422.
To the Voters of Baltimore County, No.
Tom Plain-Truth, No. 517.
"Tom-Tell Truth" episode, 4-5.
Towne, Benjamin, 2.
Townley, James, High Life Below
Stairs, No. 205, 206.
Townshend, Thomas, Another Twig of
the Olive, No. 306.
United States, Address of the Congress,
No. 52; Arrears of interest on the
national debt, No. 346; Articles of
Confederation, Nos. 23, 24; Certain
Laws, No. 543; commercial matters,
No. 351; conduct of foreign nations,
No. 354; Constitution, forerunners of,
No. 133; continental Bills of Credit,
Nos, 355, 358; Declaration of Inde-
pendence, No. 29; expences (expedi-
tion against British at Penobscot),
No. 358; Friends and Countrymen,
No, 53; Frontier posts, No. 348; Im-
portant Intelligence from Europe, No.
54; interest on national debt, Nos.
346, 352, 353; Invalids, No. 347;
Peace of Paris, Nos. 286-288, 302,
307, 324, 340; Plan for temporary
Government of the Western Territory,
Nos. 342, 343, 344, 357; Proceedings
of the federal convention, No. 432;
Proclamation (1783), No. 307;
(1784), No. 340; procuring a full
representation in Congress, No. 350;
report of the committee of qualifica-
tions, No. 345; report of the super-
intendant of finance, Nos. 349, 359;
Resolutions on bills of credit, No. 25;
on rate of interest, No. 26; on defense
of Rhode Island and depreciation of
currency, No. 27; ordering troops,
No. 28; restitution of all estates, No.
341; State of Indian affairs in the
Southern department, No. 356;
Whereas Congress have received, No.
55; Treaty of alliance with France,
Nos. 37, 55, 561.
United States Army, rank of officers,
4; supplies for, Nos. 7-9.
United States, Constitutional Con-
vention, Verfahren der Vereinigten
Convention, No. 455.
United States Senate, 15.
United States Supreme Court, 34.
United States Treasury, at Baltimore
(1777), No. 25n.
University of Maryland, No. 387.
Updike, Daniel Berkeley, 1.
Vanhrugh, John, Provoked Husband,
No. 263.
Verbesserte Hoch-Deutsche ..... Calender
(1785), No. 360; (1786), No. 389;
(1787), No. 423; (1788), No. 456;
(1789), No. 486; (1790), No. 518;
(1791), No. 544.
Vindex, pseud, see Allison, Patrick.
Vindex, To the Public, No. 519.
Virginia, printing, 51; Instructions to
Representatives, No. 402.