Freemen of the United States of
America, No. 49.
Munder, Norman, T. A., ix.
Murphy, Arthur, All in the Wrong,
Nos. 178-180, 187; Apprentice -, Nos.
139, 177-8, 183, 194, 207; Citizen,
Nos. 148-9, 152, 164; Grecian
Daughter, Nos. 238-9, 250, 252, 255,
265; Old Maid, No. 274n; Uphol-
sterer, Nos. 277-8.
Murphy, Maurice, 71.
Murphy, William, Addition to Mur-
phy's Catalogue, No. 331 .
Music, French band at theatre, No.
112n; at theatre, No. 155n.
Natchez, Mississippi, printing at, 70.
Naval Engagements, in the West-
Indies, No. 230.
New American Almanac (1783), No.
New-England Coffee-House, No. 276.
New-Jersey, Pennsylvania ..... Alma-
nac (1790), No. 510; (1791), No. 538.
New Theatre see Baltimore Theatre.
New York, Address of the Convention,
No. 20.
New-York Gazette and Weekly Post-
Boy, 2, 24.
New-Tork Journal and State Gazette,
News in Baltimore papers, 11.
Newspapers in Maryland, see under
title for references, Maryland Ga-
zette( 745-1 839) ; Maryland Journal
and Baltimore Advertiser (1773-
1797); Dun/ap' s Mary land Gazette
later Maryland Gazette and Baltimore
Advertiser (1775-1779, 1783-1791);
Maryland Gazette, and Annapolis
Advertiser, (1779) ; Maryland Chroni-
cle (1786-1789); Palladium of
Freedom (1787); Times and the
Patowmack Packet (1789-1791);
Georgetown Weekly Ledger (1790-
1792); Maryland Herald (1790-
1804); Washington Spy (1790-1797).
Norfolk, Post Office, 3.
North, Frederick North, Baron,
Speech, No. 50.
Northwest Ordinance of 1787, No.
Norwood, Edward, No. 60.
Notes on the Establishment of a Money
Unit, No. 316.
Obligations of the Confederate States,
No. 305.
Observations on a pamphlet, No. 479a.
O'Connor, John, History of America,
Ogleby, Richard, Nebuchadnezzar, No.
O'Hara, Kane, Two Misers, Nos. 264,
Old American Company, Nos. 391,
457, 520.
Old ground Toung, a dance, Nos. 213,
Olive-Branch, No. 301.
Osgood, Samuel, 14-15.
Oswald, Eleazer, 19-36; ancestry and
youth, 19; apprenticed to Holt, 19;
marriage, 19; Ticonderoga, 20;
Quebec expedition, 20; lieutenant-
colonel of artillery, 20; Monmouth,
21; resignation from army, 22-23;
partnership with Goddard, 5, 23-27;
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