Marbro' Iron Works, No. 488.
Mare, J,, Extract of a Letter, No, 89.
Martin, Luther, Nos. 56, 58, 62, 83, 84;
Address to Robert Lemmon, No. 63;
Genuine Information, 32n; To Robert
Lemmon, No, 64; To the Inhabitants,
No. 6; To the Public, No. 65.
Mary K. Goddard's Pennsylvania .....
Almanack (1785), 17-18, 53, No.
320, Plate IV.
Maryland, account of... value of the
land, No. 321, 395; accounts with
the United States, No. 390; act di-
recting the time ..... of holding elec-
tions, No. 500; act for assessment of
property (1779), No. 90; act f or mak-
ing the river Susquehanna navigable,
No. 322; act for the service of the
United States, No. 7; act to appoint
an intendant of the revenue. No. 323;
act to lay a general tax (for support
of religion), Nos. 372-3; act to make
the bills of credit..... legal tender, No.
57; act to raise supplies (1779), No.
66; act to raise supplies (1783), No.
290; Address of the House of Dele-
gates, No. 406; bill of credit, No.
125; confiscated property for sale,
No, 374; Declaration (western
lands), No. 39; duties on exports
and imports, No. 310; Estimate of
State Debt, No, 467; following Re-
solves (relating to Goddard), No. 2;
Pour Sections of an Act, No. 8;
General Assembly, first convened,
No. 13; History of a Session of the
General Assembly, No. 403; Instruc-
tions (western lands), No. 39n; Laws
of Maryland (seventh compilation,
1787) printed 66-69; described, No.
435; circular letter, No. 369; sub-
scription papers, No. 370; Laws,
session, see under year of publica-
tion in bibliography; Memorial of
Henry Harford, No. 407; Messages
Between the Two Houses (1780), No.
94; Oath of Allegiance, No. 9; pay-
ment of state debt, No. 314; peti-
tion for founding Carroll County,
No. 388; Present State of Maryland,
No. 436; proceedings of the federal
convention, No. 432; Proceedings of
the Two Houses (1780), No. 95;
Proclamation (1783), No. 293; Proc-
lamation (1784), No. 324; Proc-
lamation (1789), No. 5ooa; proposed
act for support of public credit, No.
315; Report of the Committee ap-
pointed to inspect ..... accounts of the
Intendant of the Revenue, No. 409;
Report of the Intendant of the Revenue,
No. 318, 376; revenue, No. 317;
Sale of confiscated estates, No. 223;
Session laws, see under year of pub-
lication in bibliography; Several acts
..... respecting Saint John' s College,
No. 410; Summary and Comparative
View (of assessments), No. 319;
Supplies, form used in collecting, No.
220; To his Excellency the Governor,
No. 339; To the People of Maryland,
No. 475; Votes and Proceedings of,
for description of publications for
each session see under year of pub-
lication in bibliography.
Maryland Almanac (1778), 58-59, No.
Maryland and Virginia Almanack
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