(1787), No, 423; William Goddard's
Pennsylvania, Delaware ..... Alma-
nack (1787), No. 424; Maryland and
Virginia Almanac (1788), No. 441;
announcement of publication, No.
453; Pennsylvania, Delaware .....
Almanack (1788), No. 448; Poor
Robin's Almanack (1788), No. 449;
Verbesserte Hoeh-Deutsche ..... Cal-
ender (1788), No. 456; Ellicott's
Maryland and Virginia Almanac
(1789), No. 465; Pennsylvania, Dela-
ware ..... Almanack (1789), No. 480;
Verbesserte Hoch-Deutsche ..... Cal-
ender (1789), No. 486; Ellicott's
Maryland and Virginia Almanac
(1790), No. 498; New Jersey, Penn-
sylvania ..... Almanac (1790), No.
510; Pennsylvania, De/aware ..... Al-
manack (1790), No. 512; Poor
Robin's Almanack (1790), No. 512a;
Ellicott's Maryland and Virginia Al-
manac (1791), No. 526; New Jersey,
Pennsylvania ..... Almanac (1791),
No. 538; Pennsylvania, Delaware .....
Almanack (1791), No. 539; Verbes-
serte Hoch-Deutschc ..... Calender
(1791), No. 544.
Amelung, John Frederick, Remarks on
Manufactures, No. 426.
American, pseud,, To the People of
Maryland, No. 56.
American Company of Comedians,
see under Annapolis and Baltimore
American Spectator, 8, 39-41, 75.
Americanische Hinckende Bot, see
Marylandischer Calender.
Americanus, 39.
Angell, Abigail, marries William God-
dard, 9; her character, 9-10; death,
lo; 45.
Angell, Mary (Barney), 47.
Angell, James, 45-47; 1, 10; parentage
and youth, 45; trading ventures, 45;
partnership with Goddard, 10; 45-
47; takes over business, 46-47; sells
paper, 47; death, 47.
Angell, James, General, 9, 45.
Annapolis, circulating library, No. 284;
congress meets at, 50; location of
national capital at, No. 144; post
office, 69-70; theatre, Nos. 106-114,
136-143, 238-243, 272n, 391.
Annenberg, Maurice H., ix.
Another Twig of the Olive, No. 306.
Antismithites, To the Voters of Balti-
more County, No. 489; Queries, To
the Voters, No. 490.
Aratus, pseud., To the General Assembly
of Maryland, No. 144.
Aristides, see Hanson, Alexander C.
Arne, Dr., Thomas and Sally, Nos.
170-172, 175, 186.
Arnold, Benedict, 19-20, 22.
Articles of Confederation, Nos. 23, 24;
Maryland's ratification of, Nos. 39,
Asbury, Francis, No. 364; To the
Friends and Benefactors of Cokesbury
College, No. 427.
Bache, Richard, 3, 13.
Bacon's Laws of Maryland, 65, 66, 69.
Bailey, Francis, 27.
Ballots, Federal Ticket, Nos. 366-367.
Baltimore, vii; Academy, 43; As-
sembly, ticket, No. 491, rules, No.
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