A Bibliography of Maryland Imprints
Description unknown.
Advertised as "now in the Press" on September 16 and October 14,1788. The dedication to the Legislature of Maryland
was printed in full in the Maryland Gazette on September 16 and the following quotations have been taken from it. "The
object of the following observations is to expose to you and the whole world, the inefficacy of a Medicine prescribed as a
sovereign cure of Consumptions of die lungs." "... such regulations ought to take place by law, as to enable the public
to determine who, in justice, ought to practice, and be intitled to their confidence as physicians." "When quacks and illit-
erate practitioners of medicine cease to be thought of; when the virtuous opposition of individuals to them cease to be
necessary; and when their baneful influence to society can only be perceived by a painful retrospect to the sad experience of
past ages, this address will, I believe, be found to possess principles or instructions, however feebly expressed, worthy of
deathless place in the minds of all succeeding generations of men." It was written against the pamphlet describing a cure
invented by Johann Anton Guetdenstaedt, physician of Catherine II of Russia, which was published in Philadelphia in 1788.
(Evans, 21123.)
Not hi Evans.
No copy located.
480. The | Pennsylvania, Delaware, ] Maryland, and Virginia | Almanack | And | Ephemeris, | For
The Year of our Lord, | 1789; | ... [double rule] | Baltimore: Printed and Sold, Wholesale and
Retail, | by William Goddard, ... [1788.]
ismo. [A]-D4. 24 leaves. Title page surrounded with double rule border. Text surrounded by a single rule border.
Pages unnumbered.
Leaf measures: 7 x 41/4 inches.
The astronomical section of this almanac was probably done by Benjamin Workman, of Philadelphia, who compiled
it for the year before and after. See numbers, 448 and 51 a.
Evans, 21619.
MdHS (2 copies, one imperfect). JCB. LC (last leaf lacking). AAS (imperfect).
481. PETTY, JOHN. To the Public. | Annapolis, July I, 1788. | From a variety of circumstances, it
has become | an indispensable duty in me to lay before the pub- | lic the following authenticated
facts; which will | disclose the merits of my transactions with regard | to a certain Andrew Bryson,
... | [signed] John Petty. | [Annapolis: Printed by Frederick Green, 1788.]
Folio broadside. Printed in two columns.
Leaf measures: 16 1/4 x 10 inches.
In 1784 John Petty was ordered by the court to pay Captain Andrew Bryson a sum of money due hun for the sale of
the ship Kitty. However, he refused to do so and assembled material which is presented here to prove that Bryson's account
was a fraud. See numbers 463 and 464.
Not in Evans.
482. ———— To the Public. | Annapolis, August 18, 1788. | It it with extreme pain that I feel myself
| compelled to appear again in the public | prints, but the unwarrantable and ma- | licious attack
made upon the characters | of Mr. Vachel Stevens and myself, during | my absence from Annap-
olis, by Mr. John Davidson, | in his handbill of the 18th July ... | [signed] John Petty. | [Annap-
olis: Printed by Frederick Green, 1788.}
Folio broadside. Printed on both sides in two columns.
Leaf measures: 16 1/4 x 10 inches.
A further accusation of Bryson for perjury and fraud and an attack on Davidson for allowing his interests to lead him
to an "unprovoked, indecent, and virulent publication."
Not in Evans.
483. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH. At a Meeting or Convention of [ Clergy and Lay-Delegates |
of the Protestant Episcopal | Church of Maryland, at Bal- | timore, May 29, 1788, ... | ... [Balti-
more, Printed by William Goddard, 1788.]
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