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The Maryland Press, 1777-1790 by Joseph Towne Wheeler.
Volume 438, Page 161   View pdf image (33K)
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A Bibliography of Maryland Imprints
Folio. Two leaves.
Leaf measures: 16 1/4 x 10 1/2 inches.
Evans, 18830. Ford, 437.
357. ———— An Ordinance for ascertaining the mode of locating and disposing | of Lands in the
Western Territory..... [Annapolis: Printed by John Dunlap, 1784.]
Folio. Two leaves.
Leaf measures: 16 1/4 x 10 1/2 inches.
See numbers 310-312.
Evans, 18842. Ford, 438.
358. ———— The Grand Committee consisting of Mr. | Stone, Mr. Blanchard, Mr. Gerry, Mr.
Howell, Mr. Sher- | man, Mr. De Witt, Mr. Dick, Mr. Hand, Mr. Hardy, | Mr. Williamson and
Mr. Read, to whom were referred | an act of the legislature of Connecticut, and a letter from the
governor of Massachusetts respecting the expences of|that state in an expedition against the
British forces at Pe- | nobscot, and other matters, submit the following resolves..... The Grand
Committee to whom was referred | a letter of the governor of Massachusetts, of the 28th of |
October 1783, relative to the continental bills of credit | of the old emissions, submit the following. |
[Annapolis: Printed by John Dunlap, 1784.]
La. Folio Broadside.
Leaf measures: 21 z 17 inches.
See number 355 for an earlier broadside containing the resolutions submitted as a result of the letter of the Governor of
Evans, 18838. Ford, 439.
359. ———— By The United States In Con- | gress Assembled. | June 3, 1784. | On the report of a
committee consisting of Mr. Spaight, Mr. Gerry, Mr. Lee, Mr. Beatty | and Mr. Sherman, to whom
was referred a report of the super- | intendant of finance, dated the 5th of November 1783 ....
[Annapolis, Printed by John Dunlap, 1784.]
Folio broadside.
Leaf measures: 15 1/2 x 7 1/4 inches.
This broadside contains the resolutions of Congress regarding the settlement of the accounts of the States and individuals
with the United States through the superintendent of finance.
Evans, 18826 and 18833. Ford, 440.
MdArchives. LC.
360. Der Verbesserte Hoch-Deutsche Americanische Land und Staats Calender. Auf das Jahr ...
1785, Zum erstenmal herausgegeben. [Friedrich-Stadt: Godruckt bey Matthias Bartgis, 1784.]
Collation unknown.
Seidensticker lists this almanac but does not locate a copy. It should be noted that the evidence on which he bases the
entry is not given although he lists editions of the almanac as late as 1806.
Evans, 18851. Seidensticker, p. 113.
No copy located.
361. [WHARTON, CHARLES HENRY. A Letter to the Roman Catholics of the City of Worcester, from
the Late Chaplain of that Society. Stating the Motives which induced him to relinquish their

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The Maryland Press, 1777-1790 by Joseph Towne Wheeler.
Volume 438, Page 161   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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