A History of the Mary land Press, 1777-1790
343. ——— The Committee to whom was recommitted the Report of a | Plan for a temporary
Government of the Western Ter- | ritory, have agreed to the following Resolutions. | Resolved, | ...
[Annapolis; Printed by John Dunlap, 1784.]
Folio broadside.
Leaf measures: 16 1/2 x 10 1/2 inches.
The copy in the New York Public Library contains mss notes and additions in the hand of Jefferson. It was finally agreed
to on April 23,1784. and became the basis of the public land system of the United States. The general principles set forth
in this act were developed into practical form in the Northwest Ordinance of 1787- The Committee, made up of Jefferson,
Chase and Howell, offered an earlier resolution containing a provision for creating ten states out of the land between the
Ohio and Mississippi rivers and providing that there should be no slavery in them after 1800, but both of these provisions
were defeated and the original report was recommitted on March 17. See numbers, 342 and 344.
Evans, 18834. Ford, 437.
344. ——— The Committee to whom was recommitted the report of a plan for a temporary govern-
ment of the Western Territory have agreed to the following Resolution..... [Annapolis: Printed-
by John Dunlap, 1784.]
Folio broadside.
Leaf measures:
Evans' note: "The copy in the Historical Society of Pennsylvania bears important manuscript erasures and corrections,
evidently made by a member of the Committee. The original draft is in the handwriting of Thomas Jefferson." See numbers,
343 and 343 for the two printed forms which appeared before this.
Evans, 18835. Not in Ford.
345. ——— By the United States in | Congress assembled. | March 23, 1784. | On the report of the
committee of qualifications, consisting of | Mr. Sherman, Mr. Jefferson, Mr. Beatty, Mr. Chase and
Mr. Wil- | liamson, ... [Annapolis: Printed by John Dunlap, 1784.]
Folio. Two leaves. Last leaf blank.
Leaf measures: 12 3/4 x 8 inches.
Contains the resolution of Congress requesting the states to appoint their delegates for a period of one year with term
beginning the first Monday in November and in cases of vacancies to appoint others to serve only for the remainder of the
year. Also, the states were asked to furnish their delegates with proper credentials.
Evans, 18824. Ford, 428.
NYPL. LC(3 copies.)
346. ———— The Grand Committee, consisting of | appointed to prepare and
report to Congress, the arrears of interest on the national | debt, together with the interest and
expenses for the year 1784, from the first to the last | day thereof inclusive, and a requisition of
money on the states for discharging the | same, have agreed to the following Report: .... [Annapolis:
Printed by John Dunlap, 1784.]
Folio broadside.
Leaf measures; 20 1/2 x 16 1/4 inches.
The place for the names of the members of the committee was left blank. The members were Jefferson, Blanchard, Gerry,
Howell, Sherman, DeWitt, Hand, Stone, Wiliiamson, and Read. See number 353 for the discussion of the report by Congress.
Evans, 18837. Ford, 429. Heartman, The Cradle of the U.S., 716,
LC. (4 cop) Heartman (Monroe's copy).
347. ——— The Committee consisting of Mr. M'Henry, Mr. Dick, and Mr. Wiliiamson, to whom
was referred a motion of Mr. M'Henry, respecting invalids, submitted the following Resolves:
[Annapolis: Printed by John Dunlap, 1784.]
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