A Bibliography of Maryland Imprints
added, a Farce, called | The Deuce is in Him! | ... [ornamental rule] | Baltimore: Printed by M, K.
Goddard. [1782.]
Folio broadside.
Leaf measures: 12! z 71/2 inches.
(Mss note):—
Gross Proceeds £67:18:9
Stage Boxes .. 6:0:0
Seilhamer does not mention this performance.
Not in Evans.
Randall collection: 63.
177. ———— (By Permission.) | [ornamental rule] | At the New Theatre, in Baltimore, | On Friday
Evening, being the 24th of May, 1782, | Will be presented, the Historical Tragedy of | King Lear, |
And his Three Daughters. | ... To which will be added, a Farce, called | The Apprentice. | ...
[ornamental rule] | Baltimore: Printed by M. K. Goddard. [1782.]
Folio broadside.
Leaf measures: 12 x 71/2 inches.
(Mss note):—
Gross Proceeds £50:14:6
Side Boxes.... 6: 0:0
Seilhamer does not mention this performance.
Not in Evans.
Randall collection: 64.
178. ———— For the Benefit of Mrs. Wall. | [ornamental rule] | (By Permission.) | At the New Theatre,
in Baltimore, | On Tuesday Evening, the 28th of May, 1782, | Will be presented, the Comedy of
| All In The Wrong. | ... To which will be added, a Farce, called | The Apprentice. | ... [orna-
mental rule] | Baltimore: Printed by M. K. Goddard. [1782.] |
Folio broadside.
Leaf measures: 13 x 7 3/4 inches.
The play was Deferred until Friday the 2ist of May on account of the illness of one of the actors.
Not in Evans.
Randall collection: 65.
179. ———— For the Benefit of Mrs. Wall. | [ornamental rule] | On Account of the sudden Indispo- |
sition of a Performer, the Play is | obliged to be deferred till | Friday next, the jist of May, | When
the Comedy of | All In The Wrong | Will be performed. | ... To which will be added, (by Desire)
the Ballad Farce of the | Contrivances. | [ornamental rule] | Baltimore: Printed by M. K. G<5ddard.
Sm. Quarto broadside.
Leaf measures: 8 x 7 3/4 inches.
The illness of one of the actresses made this bill necessary.
Not in Evans.
Randall collections: 67.
180. ———— (By Permission.) | [ornamental rule] | At the New Theatre, in Baltimore, | On Tuesday
Evening, the 4th of June, 1782, | Will be presented, the Comedy of | All In The Wrong. | ... To
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