A Bibliography of Maryland Imprints
Gross Proceeds £118:0:0
Tickets came in
more than were 9:2:6
sold that Day—
Not in Evans.
140. ———— By Permission. | On Thursday, the jist of October, 1782, will be presented, | At the
Theatre in Annapolis, | The London Merchant, | Or the History of | George Barnwell. | ... End of
the Play, a Character Dance, by | Mr. Roussel. | To which will be added a Comic Piece, written by
Mr. Foote, called | The Devil upon Two Sticks. | Or the Examination of Doctor Emmanuel Last,
a | Licenciate Shoemaker, before the College of Physicians. | [Annapolis: Printed by F. Green, 1782.]
Folio broadside.
Leaf measures: 13 x 8 inches.
(Mss note):—Gross Proceeds £119:5:1.
Not in Evans.
141. ———— By Permission. 1 On Friday, the ist of November, 1782, will be presented, | At the
Theatre in Annapolis, | The | Fair Penitent, | ... After the Play an Allemande, by Mr. Roussel and
Mrs. Elm. | To which will be added a Farce, called | Lethe, | or | Aesop in the Shades. | ... To
conclude with a Hornpipe by Mr. Patterson. | ... [Annapolis, Printed by F. Green, 1782.]
Folio broadside.
Leaf measures: 13 x 7 3/4 inches.
(Mssnote):—Gross proceeds £123:0:0.
Not in Evans.
142. ———— By Permission. | On Saturday, the 2d of November, 1782, will be presented, | At the
Theatre in Annapolis, | The Tragedy of | Venice Preserved. | Or, A | Plot Discovered. | ... After
the Play, a Harlequin Dance, by Mr. Roussel. | To which will be added a Farce, called | The Lying
Valet. | ... [Annapolis, Printed by F. Green, 1782.]
Folio broadside.
Leaf measures: 131/4 x 81/4 inches.
(Mss note):—Gross Proceeds £63: 0: 0.
Not in Evans.
143. ———— By Permission. | On Wednesday Evening, the 6th of November, 1782, will be presented,
| At the Theatre in Annapolis, | Being the Last Time of performing there this Season, | A Comedy
called, The | Beaux Stratagem, | ... Dancing, by Mr. Roussel and Mr. Patterson. | To which will
be added a Farce, called | The Wrangling Lovers, | Or | Like Master, Like Man. 1 ... [Annapolis,
Printed by F. Green, 1782.]
Folio broadside.
Leaf measures: 13 3/4 x 81/4 inches.
(Mss note):—Gross Proceeds £62:2:6.
Not in Evans.