A Bibliography of Maryland Imprints
130. The | Maryland and Virginia | Almanack | And Ephemeris, | For the Year of our Lord, |
1782; | ... [double rule] | Baltimore: Printed and Sold, Wholesale and | Retail, by M. K. Goddard
... 11781].
Sm. 8vo. [A]-F4. 24 leaves. Type page enclosed in double rule.
No pagination.
Leaf measures: 6| x 4 inches.
This is a variant edition of numbers 133 and 134.
Not in Evans,
131. The | Maryland Gazette. | (Jan. 5- Dec. 27, 1781, being Nos. 1773 to 1824 of XXXVIth Year.)
Colophon:] Annapolis: Printed by Frederick and Samuel Green, at the Post-Office.
Folio. Printed in three columns. One leaf each number, except Nos. 1796, 1797, 1811, 1817 which have two. Weekly on
Leaf measures: 13 1/4 x 7 1/2 inches.
One leaf supplement for Nos. 1806, 1807, 1815, 1816, 1818, 1820, 1822, 1824.
Evans, 17209.
MdSL. See Brigham, American Newspapers for other files.
132. The Maryland Journal, and Baltimore Advertiser..... | (Jan. 2~Dec. 25, 1781, being Nos. 381
to 434 of Vol. VIII) [Colophon:] Baltimore: Printed by M. K. Goddard.
Folio. Printed in three columns. Two leaves each number, except Nos. 381-392, 396-400, 402-412, 416-421 which have
Leaf measures: 15 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches.
One leaf supplements to Nos. 382,384,385,387,389-391, 396,399,400,402-406,411,412,416-421. Two leaf supplement
to No. 396. The engraved heading was used occasionally before Oct. 2 and after that date regularly.
Evans, 17210.
EPFL (lacks a few supplements). MdHS (lacks a few supplements) See Brigham, American Newspapers for other files.
133. The | Pennsylvania, Delaware, | Maryland, and Virginia | Almanack | and | Ephemeris, | For
the Year of our Lord, | 1782; | ... [double rule] | Baltimore: Printed and Sold, Wholesale and Re-
tail, by M. K. Goddard, [1781.]
Sm. 8vo. [A]-F4. 24 leaves. Type page enclosed in double rule.
No pagination.
Leaf measures: 6 1/2 x 4 inches.
This almanac was announced as just published and for sale on September 25,1781, in The Maryland Journal. Calculated
by Andrew Ellicott.
Evans, 17145.
JCB (incomplete). J. W. Garrett. AAS.
134. The | Pennsylvania, 1 Maryland, and Virginia | Almanack | And | Ephemeris, | For the Year
of our Lord, | 1782; ) ... [double rule] | Baltimore: Printed and Sold, Wholesale and | Retail, by M.
K. Goddard, at the Post-Office, in | Market-Street. | ... [1781.]
Sm. 8vo. [A]-F4. 24 leaves. Type page enclosed in double rule border.
No pagination.
Leaf measures: 6 3/4 x 4 inches.
The preface indicates that it was "... calculated by that ingenious mathematician Andrew Ellicott." This seems to be a
variant from the other almanac printed by M. K. Goddard this year. See numbers 130 and 133.
Not in Evans.
MdHS. J. W. Garrett.