CHAP. 104.
other person in their behalf, may redeem such slave, so convict-
ed, from said punishment, by the payment of the fine to the
owner or owners of such gate, imposed by this act upon free
persons for like offences; And provided also, that no free citi-
zen shall be fined, or slave punished, under the provisions of
this act, in any case where such gate shall be found carelessly
standing open, not hung upon good iron hinges, or otherwise in
bad order and repair.
Any law repug-
nant to this, re-
8. And be it enacted, That all and every law, usage or cus-
tom, heretofore existing or in use, which is repugnant to, or in-
consistent with, the provisions of this act, shall be and is hereby
declared to be annulled, abrogated and repealed, so far as re-
spects that pari of the county road, mentioned and intended in
this act to be provided for, in said county.
Passed Feb 26 1827
A Supplement to ah act, entitled, An act for changing the name of Charles-
Town, in Charles County, to that of Port Tobacco, for securing the titles
of proprietors of Lots and Houses therein, and for the regulation and im-
provement of said Town. Therefore,
New commission-
ers appointed
To take an oath
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland
That instead of the persons named in the second section of the
art to which this is a supplement, Messieurs Philip J. Ford,
John Matthews, William D. Merrick, Gustavus Brown, and
John J. Jenkins, be and they are hereby substituted and appoint-
ed commissioners, with the same full and ample powers as were
reposed in their predecessors by said act.
2. And be it enacted. That the commissioners herein named
shall assemble at the town aforesaid, on the second Monday of
May next, who, before they proceed to execute the duties re-
quired by the said act, shall take the oath prescribed by the third
nection thereof, and they, or a majority of them, shall also ad-
minister a like oath to the surveyor whom they shall employ,
before he shall proceed to the performance of his duties as such.
Part of an act re-
Third lection of
an act repealed
3. And be it enacted, That so much of the act to which this
is a supplement, as is inconsistent with the provisions of this act,
be and the same is hereby repealed.
4. And be it enacted, That the third section of the act, pass-
ed at the last session, entitled, An act to prevent nuisances in
Port Tobacco, in Charles county, be and the same is hereby re-
pealed, and that so much of the act, passed at December session
eighteen hundred and twenty-one, chapter ninety, is was re-
pealed by the said section, be and the same is hereby revived
and continued in full force.
Passed Feb., 25 1827
An Act for the regulation andiimprovement of the Village of Denton, in
Caroline County, and for other purposes.
WHEREAS the commissioners of the village of Denton have
erected on the public ground in said village a market house:
And whereas the members of Washington Lodge No. 59, of
Free and Accepted Masons, have erected over said market-
house a room or rooms to be occupied as a lodge room or rooms;