CHAP. 38.
tenance and education of the said Margaret A. Bourne, Mary
D. Bourne, John D. Bourne and James J. Bourne during their
minority, by the said James J. Bourne, the petitioner, or their
testamentary guardian, of guardian appointed by the orphans
court of Calvert county; that is to say, until the males shall at-
tain unto the age of twenty-one years, and the females shall ar-
rive at the age of eighteen years.
To account with
and pay over
hares of purchase
7. And be it enacted, That on their arrival at their respective
ages as aforesaid, the said James J. Bourne shall deliver up, ac-
count with, and pay over to them respectively, their several dis-
tributive shares of the purchase money aforesaid, or of the real
estate, fund or stock of the United States, or bank stock afore-
said, in Case the game may be invested as contemplated by this
act, together with any interest or annual proceeds thereof which
may remain in his hands, and which shall not be appropriated
as aforesaid to their maintenance or education.
Purchase money
to revert, &c
8. And be it enacted, That the purchase money aforesaid,
or any fund or stock in which the same may be invested agree-
ably to the provisions of this act, and the interest or proceeds
thereof, shall revert and descend among the legal representatives
of the said Margaret A. Bourne Mary D. Bourne, John D.
Bourne and James J. Bourne, in case of their deaths, or the
death of either of them, previous to their arrival at the age of
twenty-one years, in the same manner as the land and premises
aforesaid would have reverted and descended if this act had not
passed ; Provided nevertheless, that the aforesaid Margaret A.
Bourne, Mary D. Bourne, John D. Booirne and James J. Bourne
may dispose of their Several distributive shares of the purchase
money aforesaid, or real estate, or fund of stock, in which the
Same may be invested as herein provided, and the interest or
proceeds thereof, by kst will and testament, in the same man-
ner as if this act had not passed.
In case of death
orphans court em-
powered to ap-
point some other
9. And be it enacted, That in case of the death of the said
James J. Bourne, the petitioner, before the final payment of
the purchase money aforesaid, and the conveyance of the land
and premises aforesaid, and the completion of the contract afore-
said, the orphans court of Calvert county shall have full power
and authority to nominate and appoint some fit and proper per-
son, who is hereby invested with full power to carry into effect
the objects and provisions herein contained, on giving such se-
curity for the faithful performance of his trust, as is herein be-
fofe directed to be given by the said James J. Bourne, the pe-
titioner, and so as often as need be to carry into effect the pro-
visions hereof.
Account of mo-
ney to be return-
ed to orphans
10. And be if enacted, That the said James J. Bourse shall
return a true and just account of the amount of the purchase mo-
ney aforesaid to the orphans court of Calvert county, there to bo
Recorded ; Provided, that he shall not be bound to render any
other account thereof to the said court, unless cited by his sure-
ties to give counter security; Provided further, that the said
James J. Bourne, the petitioner", shall not be entitled to any
commission for rendering an account of the amount of the pur-
chase money aforesaid to the orphans court aforesaid, nor for any
other matter or thing touching or concerning, or growing out of