the proceeds of the loan shall be applied to the purposes authorized in § 8-129 of the
State Finance and Procurement Article.
SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1990.
Approved May 2, 1990.
(Senate Bill 243)
AN ACT concerning
Calvert County - Revenue Bond Authority - Multiservice Center
FOR the purpose of authorizing the County Commissioners of Calvert County to
borrow an amount not to exceed $3,000,000 and to issue and sell its revenue bonds
for the purpose of paying the costs associated with the planning, financing, design,
construction, and equipping of a building in Calvert County to be leased to the
State for use as a multiservice center and paying the expenses of issuance and sale;
providing that the revenue bonds shall be exempt from taxation; providing for the
pledging of the proceeds from any rents or other revenues derived from the lease
to the State of the building constructed and equipped with the revenue bond
proceeds and for the payment of the principal of and interest on the revenue
bonds; authorizing the County Commissioners of Calvert County to enter into
certain trust agreements for certain purposes; authorizing the County
Commissioners of Calvert County to convey or assign any real or personal
property financed or refinanced through its revenue bonds as additional security
for the payment of the principal of and the interest on such revenue bonds;
requiring the revenue bonds to be payable from, in addition to other revenues
provided, the proceeds of any additional security held under the trust agreement
securing the revenue bonds; specifying that the revenue bonds and the interest on
the bonds are the limited obligations of Calvert County; prohibiting a charge or
indebtedness against the general credit or taxing power of Calvert County or the
County Commissioners of Calvert County; specifying that certain terms and
conditions of the revenue bonds be included in a certain resolution; providing that
such revenue bonds shall be in addition to, and may be issued on a consolidated
basis with, the revenue bonds authorized for the same purpose by Chapter 204 of
the Laws of Maryland of 1987, the authorization for which is ratified and
confirmed; and providing generally for the issue and sale of such revenue bonds.
MARYLAND, That the County Commissioners of Calvert County are authorized to
borrow a sum not to exceed $3,000,000 and to issue and sell revenue bonds the proceeds
to be used for the purpose of paying the costs associated with the planning, financing,
design, construction, and equipping of a building in Calvert County to be leased to the
State for use as a multiservice center and to pay all expenses, including advertising,
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