Article 78B - Racing Commission
In addition to the other provisions of this article, there shall be no less than two or
more than eight days for steeplechase or turf racing each year. The days of racing shall
be held by the Maryland State Racing Commission for the use of the Cecil County
Breeders' Fair, Inc., or its successors, at Fair Hill, Maryland. The days of racing shall be
held on dates selected by the fair and approved by the Commission. The racing card on
each such day of racing shall be so arranged and organized that there shall be one or
more "jumping" or steeplechase race for every "flat" race on turf; except, however, that
if one of the scheduled steeplechase or jumping races is not filled, an additional turf
race may be substituted therefor. On at least one of the days of racing there shall be
held in conjunction therewith an agricultural fair with livestock entered for exhibition,
the fair to be held under the sanction and auspices of Maryland State Fair Board. The
said racing meets shall be held generally in compliance with the provisions of this article
except as otherwise specified in this section. Pari-mutuel betting as carried on generally
throughout this State shall be permitted on the days of racing authorized by this section.
The operator of the racing meet shall return to the winning patrons wagering sums on
races all sums so wagered less DEDUCT an amount equal to the sum of [18] 22 percent
of the total amount GO wagered WAGERED IN EACH MUTUEL POOL plus the
TICKETS. A sum equal to 8 percent of the total amount wagered, said 8 percent being
part of the [18] 22 percent above referred to shall be paid over to the State Racing
Commission, and by the Racing Commission to the State Comptroller, to be credited to
the Fair Hill Improvement Fund established in § 5-908 of the Natural Resources
Article. All profits derived under the provisions of this section by the Cecil County
Breeders' Fair, Inc., whether from the operation of pari-mutuel betting or from
admission charges or other receipts less all proper expenses for operating said meet
shall be paid over to the Union Hospital of Cecil County, Maryland. No officer of the
Cecil County Breeders' Fair, Inc., shall receive any salary or dividends by virtue of the
operation of the said racing.
SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take
effect July 1, 1990.
Approved May 2, 1990.
(Senate Bill 239)
AN ACT concerning
Creation of a State Debt - Calvert County Nursing Center, Inc.
FOR the purpose of authorizing the creation of a State Debt in the amount of $400,000
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