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Session Laws, 1990 Session
Volume 436, Page 767   View pdf image (33K)
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SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1990.

Approved April 24, 1990.

(Senate Bill 381)

AN ACT concerning

Community College of Maryland at BaltimoreStatc Assumption
The New Community College of Baltimore - Creation

FOR the purpose of establishing the Community College of Maryland at Baltimore New
Community College of Baltimore as a new State educational institution;
establishing certain findings and policies for the creation of the New Community
College of Baltimore; requiring the Secretary of Higher Education Maryland
Higher Education Commission to adopt certain regulations for the prior approval
of certain actions of the Board of Trustees of the New Community College of
Baltimore; classifying the College as a local educational agency for certain purposes;
establishing a board of trustees to govern the college for a certain period of time;
defining the composition, powers, and duties of the board of trustees; requiring
the board of trustees to impose nonresident student fees in certain circumstances;
defining the duties of the president of the college; requiring the preparation and
submission of budgets for the college; describing proviGionG of the Education
Article which shall not be applicable to the college
providing that certain
provisions of law otherwise applicable to community colleges do not apply to the
New Community College of Baltimore; authorizing providing for the hiring of
certain former employees and faculty members of the Community College of
Baltimore under certain conditions and for certain periods of time; providing that
ati officers hired between certain dates serve at the pleasure of the Board ef-
directing the classification of certain positions at the college by the
Department of Personnel; authorizing the board of trustees to set salaries and
tenure terms of employment for the faculty and officers of the college; excluding
from the classified service faculty and officers of the community college and
certain registrars and librarians; directing the transfer of the assets, property,
rights, and credits of the Community College of Baltimore to the board of trustees
of the college; authorizing the board of trustees to accept certain liabilities and
assume certain contracts of the Community College of Baltimore only under
certain conditions; confirming that the Community College of Marylandat
Baltimore New Community College of Baltimore is not liable for the contracts,
obligations, or debts of the Community College of Baltimore unless expressly
assumed by the board of trustees of the Community College of Maryland at

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Session Laws, 1990 Session
Volume 436, Page 767   View pdf image (33K)
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