(2) The Task Force shall be composed of:
(i) 1 member of the House of Delegates, appointed by the Speaker
of the House, and 1 member of the Senate of Maryland, appointed by the President of
the Senate;
(ii) 1 representative of the Department of Natural Resources,
appointed by the Secretary of Natural Resources;
(iii) 1 representative of the Maryland Department of Agriculture,
appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture;
(iv) 1 representative of the University of Maryland with expertise in
environmental issues, appointed by the Chancellor;
(iii) (v) 1 representative of the Department of the Environment,
appointed by the Secretary of the Environment;
(iv) (vi) 1 representative of the State Highway Administration of the
Department of Transportation, appointed by the Secretary of Transportation;
(v) (vii) 1 representative of the Office of State Planning, appointed
by the Director of the Office;
(vi) (viii) 1 representative of the Maryland Association of Counties,
appointed by the Governor;
(vii) (ix) 1 representative of the Maryland Municipal League,
appointed by the Governor;
(viii) (x) 1 representative of the Maryland Homebuilder's
Association, appointed by the Governor;
(ix) (xi) 1 representative of the agricultural community, appointed
by the Governor;
(x) (xii) 1 representative of the environmental community,
appointed by the Governor;
(xi) (xiii) 1 representative of the scientific research community,
appointed by the Governor; and
(xii) (xiv) 1 interested member 2 members of the general public
interested in stream quality, appointed by the Governor.
(3) The Governor shall designate the chairman of the Task Force.
(4) The Department of Natural Resources shall provide staff for the Task
(4) The Department of Natural Resources shall coordinate with other
State agencies to provide staffing for the Task Force.
(5) A member of the Task Force may not receive compensation but is
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