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Session Laws, 1990 Session
Volume 436, Page 4105   View pdf image (33K)
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By amending the following sections of the Montgomery County Zoning Ordinance,
Chapter 59 of the Montgomery County Code.

Division 59-C-5 "Industrial Zones"

Section 59-C-5.1 "Zones Established"

Section 59-C-5.2 "Allowable Uses"

Section 59-C-5.3 "Development Standards"

Section 59-C-5.4 "Special Regulations"

Effective Date: June 5, 1989.

Zoning Text Amendment No. 89001

Ordinance No. 11-50
AN AMENDMENT to the Montgomery County Zoning Ordinance for the purpose of

Adding definitions for "conference center" and "gross tract area," and
revising the definition of "floor area ratio."

Revising and adding an additional provision to the "General Rules of
Interpretation" section that will clarify that if a use is not specifically
listed in the use table of a zone but is similar in character to more than
one of the listed uses, then the use must be categorized as being similar
to the more restrictive of the uses.

Amending the use tables for the industrial zones to delete obsolete use
listings and to add new uses reflecting current industrial activities.

Amending the 1-3 Zone to revise the development standards such as
maximum building height, building setbacks, numbers of buildings
allowed on a lot; adding a minimum green space requirement; and adding
a maximum density of development standard.

Revising the 1-3 Zone purpose clause to more clearly state the purpose
and intent of the zone.

Revising the minimum area requirements for classification in the 1-3

Clarifying the landscaping and driveway requirements within the setback
areas required in the 1-3 Zone.

Adding special trip reduction measures to be incorporated into the
design of a project.

Deleting the 1-3 Zone performance standards and replacing them with j
reference to environmental standards in Federal, State, and County law;
applicable to environmental nuisances in all of the industrial zones.

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Session Laws, 1990 Session
Volume 436, Page 4105   View pdf image (33K)
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