Chapter Page
Sales and Use Tax Division, appropriation to ..................................
409 • 1384
Usury SEE Interest
Utilities —
911 emergency telephone service, requirements for enhanced
systems added .................................................................................
510 2280
Annapolis, bond funds for burying, and street reconstruction ........
421 1779
Municipal corporations, exclusive right to supply electricity and
acquire electric company facilities within an annexed area,
provisions added .............................................................................
566 2506
Power plant sites, State-owned, transfer to another State unit or
sale, provisions altered ...................................................................
303 1021
Septic systems, grants for innovative and alternative, provisions for
maximum award amount amended ................................................
151 626
Septic systems, privately-owned, bond funds for grants for
modernization and restoration .......................................................
421 1789
Sewage treatment works, publicly-owned, bond funds for grants for
construction and nutrient removal projects ...................................
421 1788
Underground facilities, protection from damage due to excavation
through use of a "one-call system", notice, and marking,
requirements added ........................................................................
440 1835
Washington Suburban Sanitary District -
Stonnwater management, authority for Takoma Park transferred
to the City of Takoma Park; termination date of current laws
repealed .......................................................................................
369 1221
Water supply and distribution facilities, bond funds for ..............
192 705
Water supply facilities and fluoride equipment, bond funds for .....
421 1788
Water supply facilities, financial assistance program established ....
187 693
Waterworks and Waste Systems Operators, State Board of, sunset
date extended and status report requirement added ....................
109 555
Vacations SEE Leave
Vandalism —
Breaking and entering a research facility, prohibition and penalty
added ...............................................................................................
346 1185
Religious, racial or ethnic crimes, penalties altered ........................
285 987
Venereal Disease SEE Diseases
Vestry Act SEE Religion
Veterans —
Charlotte Hall Veterans Home, appropriation to ............................
409 1380
Charlotte Hall Veterans Home, bond funds for ...............................
421 1780
Commission, appropriation to ...........................................................
409 1379
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