Chapter Page
State Use Industries SEE Correctional Institutions
State's Attorneys —
Anne Arundel County -
Salary altered ..................................................................................
434 1825
Baltimore County -
Salary of deputy and assistant, increased ......................................
326 1072
Caroline County -
Salary increased ..............................................................................
72 488
Cecil County -
Salary increased ..............................................................................
197 717
Charles County -
Salary provisions altered ................................................................
691 2887
Coordinator, appropriation to ...........................................................
409 1364
Dorchester County -
Employees, pension provisions altered ..........................................
241 908
Salary altered and full-time service required ...............................
96 532
Harford County -
Salary increased ..............................................................................
200 721
Kent County -
Salary increased; employment of deputies and assistants and
private practice, provisions altered ............................................
215 756
Prince George's County -
Salary, expenses, number, and participation in the pro bono
program, provisions altered ........................................................
185 689
Washington County -
Salary altered ..................................................................................
329 1078
Stone SEE Sand, Gravel, Stone
Storage —
Maryland Underground Storage Tank Task Force, provisions added
for reconvening ...............................................................................
70 470
Underground oil storage tanks, regulations requiring evidence of
financial responsibility of owners, provisions added .....................
67 457
Storm Water SEE Flood Control
Streets and Roads SEE Highways
Strip Mining SEE Coal; Mining
Students —
Baltimore City -
Highway user revenues, use for traffic crossing guards authorized;
use for public school student transportation, extended ............
470 1913
Delegate Scholarships, use to attend summer school, requirements
altered .............................................................................................
209 739
Distinguished Scholar Award, grade average requirements for
renewal, amended ...........................................................................
314 1043
Edward T. Conroy Memorial Scholarship Program established,
consolidating the old Edward T. Conroy Memorial Scholarship
Program, Scholarships for Children of Public Safety Personnel
Killed in the Line of Duty, and Prisoner of War Scholarships ....
221 794
Handicapped, suspension and expulsion, provisions amended ........
702 2916
Physical examinations for public school children, requirements
added; hearing, vision, and scoliosis screening tests, report
requirements added ........................................................................
475 1931
- 3801 -