Chapter Page
Dorchester County -
State's attorney, salary altered and full-time service required ....
96 532
Executive Salary Schedule for 1991, appropriation to .....................
409 1558
Frederick County -
Board of Education, compensation altered ...................................
176 672
Commissioners, salary and benefit provisions clarified ................
317 1049
License Commissioners, Board of, term of office and salary,
increased ......................................................................................
527 2328
Governor and Lieutenant Governor, established .............................
JR4 2951
Harford County -
Sheriff, salary increased and outside employment prohibited ......
199 720
State's attorney, increased .............................................................
200 721
Howard County -
Daily compensation of jurors increased ........................................
532 2350
License Commissioners Board, reimbursement rate altered ........
35 348
Sheriffs, increased ..........................................................................
535 2354
•Kent County -
Sheriff, increased ............................................................................
210 740
State's attorney, increased ..............................................................
215 756
Treasurer, provisions altered .........................................................
211 741
Librarians in juvenile institutions, certain institutions under State
jurisdiction, and in certain State vocational rehabilitation
programs, minimum salary provisions altered ...............................
611 2658
Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
members, maximum expense allowance increased ........................
631 2719
Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission,
Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, and Montgomery
County members of the Washington Suburban Transit
Commission, salary altered .............................................................
191 702
Medical examiners, altered ................................................................
238 901
Minimum wage provisions concerning tip credit and training wages,
altered .............................................................................................
55 379
Montgomery County -
License Commissioners, Board of, increased ................................
144 606
Natural Resources Department law enforcement employees and
officers, overtime benefits, provisions altered ...............................
684 2875
New Community College of Baltimore, establishment, structure,
funding, regulation and operation, provisions added ....................
220 767
Orphans' Court judges in Howard and Cecil Counties, increased ..
531 2349
Prince George's County -
License Commissioners, Board of, salary of members and
attorney, increased ......................................................................
186 691
Sheriff and assistant sheriffs, increased ........................................
364 1213
State's attorneys, increased ............................................................
185 689
Property tax assessment appeal board, compensation provisions
altered .............................................................................................
195 712
Queen Anne's County -
License Commissioners, Board of, compensation provisions
altered ..........................................................................................
160 653
- 3789 -