Chapter Page
Power equipment operators, safety training programs, model
training programs, and safety education programs, provisions
added ...............................................................................................
481 2045
Program Open Space and land preservation strengthened through
provisions for the Land Trust Grant Fund, Advance Option and
Purchase Fund, Bay Access Areas Fund, and appropriations from
transfer tax revenues ......................................................................
63 410
Public junior or community colleges and regional community
colleges, administration of construction financial assistance
program ...........................................................................................
213 746
Public Service Partnership Program established to provide financial
assistance or college credit to students and public assistance to
areas of the State ............................................................................
621 2681
Queen Anne's County -
Sanitary district proposed rules and regulations, publishing
requirements for public notice, altered ......................................
156 648
Release of patient dental records, Board of Dental Examiners
authorized to adopt regulations .....................................................
21 324
Residential service agencies, licensing and regulation provisions
added ...............................................................................................
529 2340
Seafood and Aquaculture Loan Fund, established to improve the
seafood processing and aquaculture industries .............................
511 2291
Senior Citizens Activities Centers Capital Improvement Grants
Program established .......................................................................
206 728
Sheltered housing for the elderly, adoption of regulations
governing; criminal background investigations of providers and
employees, provisions added ..........................................................
208 738
Social Services Pilot Program for youths at risk of an unsuccessful
transition to adulthood, established ...............................................
620 2679
Stormwater practices, minimum inspection and maintenance
requirements, specification in regulations required ......................
32 342
Title insurance agents, bonding requirements and regulation,
provisions added .............................................................................
605 2638
Tow trucks, registration and regulation provisions amended; size,
weight, and load limit exceptions and excess load permits,
provisions added .............................................................................
701 2909
Trade name information, requirements for filing with Assessments
and Taxation Department, altered..................................................
695 2895
Transactions involving proceeds from controlled dangerous
substances offenses, prohibitions added; reporting requirements
for large currency transactions, added ..........................................
411 1692
Underground oil storage tanks, regulations requiring evidence of
financial responsibility of owners, provisions added .....................
67 457
Underwriting standards, filing with Insurance Commissioner upon
request, requirements added ..........................................................
542 2370
Washington County -
Administrative Procedure Act, repealed .......................................
538 2359
Water supply facilities, financial assistance program established ....
187 693
Well drillers licenses, provisions concerning classes, categories, and
discipline, revised ...........................................................................
404 1333
- 3787 -