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A History of Printing in Colonial Maryland: 1686-1776 by Lawrence C. Wroth
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the Unnatural Rebellion in Scotland,^ the
Rev. John Gordon, No. 117.
Thirteen Hymns, by Elhanan Winchester,
Nos. 390, 391.
This Morning Congress received the f allowing
Letter from General Washington (1776) , No.

Thomas, David, No. 335.
Thomas, Isaiah, History of Printing in Amer-
ica, cited 12, I2n, 43n, 52n, 58, 59n, 7 in,
73n, 76n, 79n, 87, 112n, 113, 114, 115,
115n, 117n, 119, 119n, 122, 123, 123n,
I26n, I36n, I4m, 143, 144.
Thomas, J. W., Chronicles of Colonial Mary-
land, cited, 148.
Tilghman, Oswald, cited, 98n.
Timothy, Lewis, printer, 47n.
To Christians of Every Denomination among
us, by the Rev. James Maury, No. 311.
To his Excellency (Address of Assembly)
(1708), No. 20; (1728) No. 45; (1729), No.

53; (1730), No. 65; (1739). No. 96; (1761),
Nos. 229 and 230; (Petition of certain in-
habitants of Baltimore County), Nos.
285-287; (Petition of Jonas Green), No.

To the Citizens of Annapolis (signed A. Citi-
zen, 1 775), No. 364 ; (Signed An American,
1775), No. 365.
To the Honourable Benedict Leonard Calvert,
Esq. (1730), No. 66.
To the Honourable Benjamin Tasker, Esq.
(1752), No. 158.
To the Inhabitants of Anne Arundel County
(1775), No. 342.
To the People of Maryland (signed, A Coun-
tryman, 1776), No. 383.
To the Public (signed, Samuel Chase, 1766),
No. 263; (signed, Bennet Allen, 1768),
No. 279; (signed, William Green, 1768),
No. 280; (signed, Daniel Wolstenholme,
1768), No. 288.
To Walter Tolley, Benjamin Nicholson, John
Moale, Robert Alexander, and Jeremiah
Townley Chase, Esqrs. (1775), No. 366.
Tobacco, Nos. 36, 37, 51, 63, 108, 147, 148,
153, 243, 265.

Tobacco, equivalent in currency, ion, 26,
"Tobacco Laws," 44.
"Tom-Tell Truth" episode, 136, I36n, 137.
Tonnage duty, 99-100, 101, 104; No. 265.
Towne, Benjamin, Philadelphia, partner of
Goddard, 125-126; quarrel and dissolu-
tion of partnerhisp, 126n; mentioned 127.
Trott, Nicholas, Laws of the British Planta-
tions, 25, 26, 30, Jon, 46, 47; its editor,
47n; described, No. 30.
Tuesday Club of Annapolis, 81, 107; printed
notices of meetings, Nos. 187, 188.
Two Sermons, by the Rev.Thomas Cradock,
No. 122.
Type-founding in America, 114.

The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen
United States of America (July 4, 1776),
No. 392.
United Colonies of North America, Nos.336,

337, 367, 384.
United States of America, Nos. 385-389, 392.
Updike, Lodowick, 120.
Updike,Sarah, see Goddard,Sarah (Updike)

Vallette, Elie, Deputy Commissary's Guide,
89, 91; No. 338; subscription papers for,

Nos. 339, 340.
Van Swearingen, Anne, see Bladen, Anne
(Van Swearingen).
Van Swearingen, Garrett, 19.
Vinegar Bible, 46.
Virginia Gazette, established by William
Parks, 73, 73n; Rind's Virginia Gazette,

Virginia Laws (compiled), printed by Parks

(1733), 72.
Virginia Laws (session), Parks proposes to
print (1727), 72.
Vriginia, Printing in, I, 2, 2n, 3, U, 71-73,
85, 87.
Virginia Baptist, by David Thomas, No.

Votes and Proceedings of the Lower House
of Assembly of the Province of Maryland,
see Maryland, Votes and Proceedings of.



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A History of Printing in Colonial Maryland: 1686-1776 by Lawrence C. Wroth
Volume 435, Page 274   View pdf image (33K)
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