Religion, Act for Establishment of (1700),
22, 23; No. 6.
Remarks upon a Message, No. 248n.
Reply to the Church of England Planter's First
Letter, by the Rev. Bennet Allen, No. 295.
Resolved, that any Restrictions (1776), No.
389; that the Assemblies (1776), No. 387.
The Rev. Mr. Jacob Henderson's fifth Letter
to "Daniel Dulany, Esq., No. 6 in.
A Rhapsody, by [Richard Lewis], No. 77.
Richardson (ship captain), 109.
Richardson, Hester Dorsey, Maryland Glean-
ings, cited, 19n.
Ridgely, Charles, No. 341.
Ridgely, David, Annals of Annapolis, cited,
Ridout, John, 105n; No. 265n.
The Right of the Inhabitants of Maryland to
the Benefit of the English Laws, by Daniel
Dulany, the Elder, No. 42.
The Right to the Tonnage, by Daniel Dulany,
Jr., No. 265.
Riley, E. S., Ancient City, cited, 41 n, 82n,
Rind, Abigail (Green), 85n.
Rind, Alexander, 85n.
Rind, Anne, 85n.
Rind, Clementina, 15, 87.
Rind, William, parentage, 85n; apprentice-
ship to, and partnership with Jonas Green,
85; opens book store and establishes cir-
culating library in Annapolis, 85; the
newspaper firm of Green & Rind, 85; so-
licited to come to Virginia by Thomas Jef-
ferson, 85; removes to Williamsburg and
establishes Virginia Gazette, 87; public
printer of Virginia, 87; death (1773), 87.
Roden, R. F., The Cambridge Printers, cited,
12n, 75n.
Rosenbach, A. S. W., 35n.
Ross, John, 105n.
"Roughead, William," 4n.
Royal Dublin Society, No. 135.
Royle, Joseph, printer, 87.
Rules and Articles f or the better Government of
the Troops, No. 367.
Rusk, David, 137n.
Rutherford, Livingston, John Peter Zenger,
Second New York Printer, his Press, his
Trial, cited, 52n.
Sabine, Lorenzo, The American Loyalists,
cited, 119.
St. Anne's Parish, Anne Arundel County,
a8n, 40n, 41 n, 80.
St. John's College, Annapolis, Maryland,54.
St. Mary's City, Maryland, 3-15; first press
in, 3; imprints, 5-8; removal of capital
from, 9; legend of a Jesuit press in, 147-
St. Peter's Parish, Talbot County, Mary-
land, 96.
Scharf, J. T., Chronicles of Baltimore, cited,
119n,137n; History of Maryland, cited,
147, 148, 149; Scharf and Westcott, His-
tory of Philadelphia, cited, 138n.
Schlesinger, A. M., Maryland's Share in the
Last Intercolonial War, cited, 102n.
Scott, Upton, io5n.
Seidenstricker, O., First Century of German
Printing in America, cited,112n.
A Sermon preached before his Excellency and
both Houses of Assembly, Dec. 13, 1754, by
the Rev. James Sterling, No. 186.
A Sermon preached before the Society of Free
and Accepted Masons, by the Rev. Thomas
Bacon, No. 163.
Sharpe, Horatio, Governor of Maryland, 97,
100, 101, 101, 102n; proposes plan for pub-
lication of Bacon's Laws of Maryland, 103-
105, 105n, mentioned 107, 109, 111.
Sharpe Correspondence, cited, 102n,103n,
I04n, 106n,107n, 109n, 111n.
Shea, J. G., Catholic Church in Colonial Days,
cited, 147.
Shel ton, Eleanor (Parks), 60.
Shelton, John, 60.
Shelton, Sarah, 60.
Shober, Frederick, printer, of Bal timore and
New York, 115.
Shober and Loudon, printers, of New York,
The Shocking accounts of damage (Williams-
burg, Virginia, 1775), No. 369.