Non-importation agreement, Nos. 289, 290,
324, 325, 328.
Nothead see Nuthead.
Now ready for the Press, No. 339.
Nulhead, see Nuthead.
Nuthead, Dinah, possession of press, 9; ad-
ministratrix of William, 10; probable es-
tablishment of press at Annapolis, 12; pe-
tition for license to print and her bond for
good behavior as printer, 13; possible im-
prints, 14; second marriage, 14; third mar-
riage, 15; character and services of, 15;
mentioned, 18.
Nuthead, Susan, or Susannah, 14, I5n.
Nuthead, William, 2-16; first employment
as printer in Maryland, 3-4; land survey-
ed for, 4; spelling of name, 4n; first im-
print recorded, 4; first imprint extant,
(Plate I), 6-8; deposition concerning ille-
gal printing of warrants and action of
Council, 8-9; signing of St. Mary's "Re-
monstrance," 9; death and inventory of
estate, 10-11; equipment, 11; summary of
services, 15-16; mentioned 58, 72.
Nuthead, William, Jr., 14.
"Nutheads Choice," 4.
Nutthead, see Nuthead.
Oely see Oley.
Ogle, Samuel, Governor of Maryland, 72.
Oley, Dinah (Nuthead) (Devoran), I5n.
Oley, Margaret, 15n.
Oley, Sebastian, 15, 15n.
Opdike, C. W., The Op Dyck Genealogy, cited,
Oswald, Col. Eleazar, 137, 137n, 138, 139,
I39n, 149, 141.
Paltsits, V. H.," John Holt, Printer and Post-
master," cited, 120, 122n, I2pn, Ij8n.
Papermaking in Maryland, 138.
Paper Mill, established by William Parks,
at Williamsburg, 72-73; sale of, 7jn.
Papers of George Washington, cited, i4in.
Papers of the Continental Congress, cited,
133n, 134n, I45n.
"Park Hall," Carroll County, Maryland,
60n; in Prince George's County, Mary-
land, 60n, 74n; at Oswestry, England,
74n; at Bitterley, England, 74n.
Parker, James, printer, 120, 121, 122, 129;
"Letters of, to Benjamin Franklin,"cited,
Parks, Eleanor, wife of William Parks, 60,
Parks, Eleanor, daughter of William Parks,
Parks, William, 2, 16, 33, 55, 58; 59-74;
brought to Maryland by Thomas Bord-
ley, 59;origin, 59, 73-7411; descendants, 60;
will and inventory, 6on, 73; "Park Hall,"
Maryland, 60; law of 1727 for his encour-
agement, 60, 149-150; proposals to As-
sembly, 60-61; discord between the Houses
as to his title and as to what he should
print, 61-62; prints compiled laws of 1727,
known as "the old Body of Laws," 63; in-
augurates a literary tradition in Mary-
land, 63-69; founds the Maryland Gazette,
first newspaper South of Pennsylvania,
69-70; his partner and assistants, yon; ne-
glects part of duties and is admonished by
act of Assembly (1737), 71; removes to
Virginia,7i ; long and honorable service in
Williamsburg, 72-73; builds in Williams-
burg first paper mill south of Pennsylva-
nia, 72; salary in Maryland and Virginia,
71n, 72; death (1750), 73; discussion of
identity with William Parks, printer of
Ludlow, Hereford and Reading, England,
73-74n; mentioned, 75, 76, 80.
The Partnership, by William Goddard,cited,
121n, 122n, 123, 123n, 124, 126, 126n.
Peabody Library of Baltimore, 3 in.
"Peggy Stewart" (brig), No. 323.
Penn, William, Printing disapproved by,2n.
The Pennsylvania Chronicle and Universal
Advertiser, Philadelphia, first issue of, 124;
sketch of, 125-127; failure of, 127.
Pennsylvania, Delaware and Virginia Alma-
nac and Ephemeris, edited by William
Goddard (1784), 141.
Pennsylvania Gazette, motto used on, 123n.
Pennsylvania Packet, 116.
Pennsylvania, Printing in, 2n, 12, 39.