Answer (1730), No. 65; Lower House Ad-
dress and Governor's Answer (1730), No.
66; Governor's Speech (1732), No. 79; A
Collection of the Governor's Several Speeches
(1739), No. 94; Upper House Address and
Governor's Answer, No. 96; Council Pro-
ceedings (1739), No. 100; Governor's
Speech (1740), No. 101; Report of Com-
mittee on the Fund Raised by Three Pence
per Hogshead (1742), No. 108; Charter,
No. 152; Upper House Address and Gov-
ernor's Answer (1752), No. 158; Same
(1752), No. 164; Militia Bill (1756), No.
192; Supply Bill (1757), No. 206; "Three
Bills" (Naturalization and two Supply
Bills, 1760), No. 221; Governor's Procla-
mation regarding Boston fire sufferers
(1760), No. 222; Form for prorogation of
Assembly, No. 223; Council Proceedings
(1761), No. 228; Lower House Address
and Governor's Answer (1761), No. 229;
Upper House Address and Governor's An-
swer (1761), No. 230; Supply Bill (1762),
No. 239; Proclamation (1763), No. 245;
Council Proceedings (1756-1764), No. 266;
Proceedings of Committee on the "Good
Intent" (1770), No. 299; Bill for redress-
ing Evils Arising from Variation of Com-
pass (1771), No. 304; Proceedings on Con-
ference (1771), No. 305; Governor's Proc-
lamation (1771), No. 307; Constitution
and Declaration of Rights (1776), Nos.
Maryland, Compiled Laws of, first compila-
tion proposed (1696), 17; printed (1700),
23; corrections in, printed, 24; unique
copy of, discussed, 24-27, and described,
No. 7; second compilation printed (1707),
28-29; discussed, 29-33; unique copy de-
scribed 3 1 n, and No. 17; third compila-
tion printed (Philadelphia, 1718), 41-43;
described, 42,43, and No. 23; fourth com-
pilation printed (London, 1723), 45-46;
described, No.31; fifth compilation printed
(1727), 63; described, No. 38; sixth com-
pilation printed (1765), 95-1 10; described,
No. 254; Collection of all Laws Relating to
Inspection of Tobacco (1747-1750), No.
153; Bisset's Abridgement (1759) , 102, 103,
103n; described, No. 215.
Maryland, Council of, Proceedings (1740),
Maryland Diocesan Library, Baltimore, 63.
Maryland Gazette (1st), 63; heading repro-
duced, 69; established by Parks (1727),
69; description, 70; heading compared to
that of the Ludlow Post-Man, 74n; enter-
ed in bibliography, Nos. 41, 47, 55, 68,74,
8 1, 85, 87; second Maryland Gazette, es-
tablished by Jonas Green (1745), 80; 82-
85; published by Green & Rind, 85-87;
continued by Anne Catharine Green, 90;
continued by her sons and grandson until
1839, 91, 93; lapses and resumes, 117-118;
in bibliography see entries under every
year from 1745 to 1776.
Maryland Gazette and Annapolis Advertiser,
published by James Hayes, Jr., 117.
The Maryland Gazette and Baltimore General
Advertiser, published by James Hayes, Jr.,
Maryland Historical Society, 22, 60n, 73n.
Maryland Journal and Baltimore Advertiser,
116, 127; announcement and first issue of
(1773), 128; Mary K. Goddard assumes
control of, (1774), 129; William Goddard
resumes control (1784), 141; published by
Goddard and Langworthy, 141; by God-
dard and Angell, 142; Nos. 321, 334, 362a,
The Maryland Muse, by Ebenezer Cooke,
title-page of, reproduced, 66; 67, 68, 68n;
No. 70.
Maryland, Printing in, fabled Jesuit press,
147-149 ; establishment of first press, 3 ; reg-
ulation of, by Council, 8-9; extent and char-
acter of, in iyth century, 1 1 ; second press
and its probable activities, 12-14; evi-
dence for press in Maryland, in 17th cen-
tury, 15-16; third press, the Bladen-Read-
ing press proposed and established, 18,19,
21; its imprints, 21-26; fourth press, the
Reading press conducted alone by Thom-
as Reading, 27-37 ; printing of Province