Calvert, Charles, Lord Baltimore, see Balti-
more, Charles Calvert, 3rd and 5th Lords.
Calvert, Frederick, Lord Baltimore, see Bal-
timore, Frederick Calvert, 6th Lord.
Calvert Papers, cited, 102n.
Camm, John (the Rev.), A Single and Dis-
tinct View of the Act, Vulgarly Entitled, the
Two-Penny Act, title-page of, reproduced,
86; referred to, 87; No. 243.
Campbell, B. U., cited, 147.
Carmen Secu/are, by Richard Lewis, 67; No.
Carroll, Charles, of Annapolis, 105n.
Carroll, Charles, barrister, 105n.
Carroll, Hugh F., Printers and Printing in
Providence, 1762-1907, cited, 121 n.
Carroll, James, 60n.
Carter, John, 121 n.
Carvile, Robert, 13.
The Case between Philip Hammond and the
late Vachel Denton, Stated, by John Brice,
No. 176.
The Case of the Clergy of Maryland, by the
Rev. Jacob Henderson, No. 61.
Catechism, Church of England, No. 57.
Catechism in the Indian dialect, by Father
Andrew White, 147-149.
"Caveto," see Chase, Samuel.
Chamberlaine, Samuel, io5n.
Charity Working School, Talbot County,
Maryland, established by ThomasBacon,
The Charter of Maryland, together with the
Debates and Proceedings, (1725) 59; No.
33; Charter (1751), No. 152; Charter and
Laws (1754-1758), No. 207; Charter
(1765), No. 254.
Chase, Samuel, I36n, 137; To the Public, No.
Chestertown, Maryland, 50-53.
Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania, 112n.
Chilton, Mrs., 128.
Christie, James, Jr., Nos. 347 and 348.
Church of England-Man's Private Devotions,
No. 59.
Church of England in Maryland, 39; Nos.
6, 30, 61, 61n, 295.
Clapham, John, 76n, 91n, 113n.
Clapham, Rebecca (Green), 76n.
Clarke, Richard H., cited, 147.
Cockburn, Robert, No. 303.
Cockshutt, Thomas (the Rev.), 28n; Ser-
mon, No. 11.
Collection of all the Laws of this Province, re-
lating to the Inspection of Tobacco, 174.7-
1750, No. 153.
A Collection of the Governor's Several Speeches,
79; No. 94.
Compass, variation of, Bill concerning the,
No. 304.
A Comp/eat Collection of the Laws of Afory-
land(1727), No. 38.
A Comp/eat System of the Revenue of Ireland,
by the Rev. Thomas Bacon, 95, 95n, 96n.
Coney, Peregrine (the Rev.), 10, 14; Ser-
mons, Nos. 3 and 4.
"Confirming Act" (1700), 23, 24, 29.
Connecticut Gazette, 120.
Considerations on the Propriety of Imposing
Taxes in the British Colonies, by Daniel
Dulany, Jr., Nos. 255-258.
Constitution and Form of Government Pro-
posed f or Maryland (1776), No. 373.
The Constitutional Courant, 123, I23n.
Constitutional Post Office, see Post Office,
Continental Congress, Extracts from the
Votes and Proceedings of (1774), Nos.336
and 337.
The Contract, by a Buckskin, No. 296.
Coode, John, 4, 7, 8, 10.
Cooke, Ebenezer, 65, 67-68, 70; History of
Colonel Nathaniel Bacon's Rebellion in Vir-
ginia, 68; No. 70; The Sot-weed Factor; or,
a Voyage to Maryland, 67, 68 n; No. 70;
Sotweed Redivivus, No. 60.
Copley, Sir Lionel, Governor of Maryland,
Cowan, James, printer, 146.
Cradock, Thomas (the Rev.), Nos. 122, 189.
Culpeper, Thomas, Lord, I .
Cummings, Archibald (the Rev.), No. 50.
Curson, see Curzon.
Curtis, Michael, No. 124.