Anno Regni Georgii III (Stamp Act), No. 259.
"Answer" of the Assembly to Governor's
"Speech" of 1708, printed, 35; No. 21.
Answer to the Queries on the Proprietary Gov-
eminent of Maryland, No. 248.
Archives of Maryland* no; cited in foot-
notes passim.
Armbruester, Anthony, 112, 115.
Arms of Maryland, Cut of, for Bacon's Laws,
asked for by Sharpe, 107; engraved by
Thomas Sparrow, 109; another cut of, on
title-page of Session Laws of 1765, 109.
Arnold, S. G., History of the State of Rhode
Island, cited, 121 n.
Articles of Capitulation (Montreal 1775),
No. 344.
"Ascertaining Act" (1699), 23, 29.
"Ashby," Talbot County, Maryland, 3 in.
Assembly of Maryland, passim; publica-
tions of, see Maryland, Assembly Docu-
ments; Maryland, Compiled Laws of;
Maryland, Session Laws of; Maryland,
Votes and Proceedings of.
The Assembly's Answer to his Excellency's
Speech (1708), 35; No. 21.
Association of the Freemen of Maryland
(1775), No. 359.
At a full Meeting of the Inhabitants of Anne-
Arundel County (1775), No. 343.
At a General Meeting of the Freeholders
(1774), No. 324.
At a Meeting of the inhabitants of the City of
Annapolis (1774), No. 325.
Bache, Richard, 134.
Bacon, Sir Anthony, 107.
Bacon, Elizabeth (Bozman), 96, 97.
Bacon, (John?), son of Thomas Bacon, 97.
Bacon, Nathaniel, Rebellion of, versified by
E. Cooke, 68 ; see also The Maryland Muse,
No. 70.
Bacon, Thomas (the Rev.), 25n, 30, 31, 31n,
43, 63; birth (1700), 95; work on the Rev-
enue of Ireland, 95, 95n, 97; ordination
and emigration to Talbot County, Mary-
land, 96; character and characteristics,
96, 96n; second marriage and its unfortu-
nate circumstances, 96; other troubles, 97;
receives honorary office from Lord Balti-
more, 97; becomes rector of All Saints
Parish, Frederick Coun ty, 97 ; death (1768)
and obituary, 97 ; beginning of work on
the Laws of Maryland, 98; despondency,
99; progress and completion of his work,
99-110; Nos. 163,254.
Bacon's Laws of Maryland at Large, 25, 30,
45,46, 50n, 63, 79, 82, 84, 89; 95-110; sketch
of compiler, 95-98; beginning of the work
as an abridgement, 98-99; determination
to make a complete body of laws, 99; po-
litical objections to its publication, 99-
ico; its legislative adventures, 100-102;
Gov. Horatio Sharpe's plan for its publi-
cation, 103-105; terms of subscription,
cost, etc., 104, 1 05 n; the plan of the work,
105-106; its completion, 106; its printing
by Jonas Green, 107-110; transmittal to
the Board of Trade, 109; a description of
the finished work, 109-110; title-page re-
produced, 108; date of publication ques-
tioned, 109-110; its value from various
standpoints, no; a typographical monu-
ment of the colonial American press, 1 10.
Bailey, Francis, of Lancaster, Pennsylvania,
112n, 114.
Baldwin, E. H., Joseph Galloway, the Loyal-
ist Politician, 125n, 127n.
Baltimore, Charles Calvert, 3rd Lord, 8.
Baltimore, Charles Calvert, 5th Lord, 45, 46,
Baltimore, Frederick Calvert, 6th Lord, 102n,
103-105, 105n.
Baltimore, Maryland, Description of (1764)
111; first press in (1765), 111-114; first im-
print, No. 262; other presses, 114-118;
William Goddard (1773) establishes press
and first newspaper, 128-129; Post Office
in, 133; press riots in, during Revolution,
Bartgis, Matthias, printer of Frederick, Ma-
ryland, 146.
Baskett, John, London printer, 46.
Bass, J. L., "Flint Genealogy," cited, 77n.
Beale, John, 41, 62.