Maryland Imprints of the Colonial Period, 1689-1776
resolution: "The proceedings of the Continental Congress were read, considered, and unanimously approved.
Resolved, That Every member of this Convention will, and every person in the province ought, strictly and in-
violably to observe and carry into Execution the Association agreed on by the said Continental Congress." Con-
cludes with same order to publish as in preceding item.
330. —Laws | of | Maryland,| made and passed | at a | Session of Assembly,] begun and
held at the City of Annapolis, on Tuesday the | Sixteenth Day of November, in the Third
Year of the | Dominion of the Right Honourable Henry Harford,| Esq; absolute Lord and
Proprietary of the Province of Ma-| ryland, and ended the Twenty-third Day of Decem-
ber,| Anno Domini 1773.| Published by Authority.| [Provincial arms, T. Sparrow, sculp.]
Annapolis:| Printed by Anne Catharine Green, Printer to the Province.| [1774].
Fol. i preliminary leaf, 7L-7Z2, 8A-8K2, I supplementary leaf; 48 leaves; pages unnumbered; preliminary
leaf: title,-verso blank; jL,\ recto-8K2 verso: text, with session heading and running heads; supplementary leaf,
recto: contents.
Leaf measures: 131/4 x 8{| inches. Type page, p. 7Li verso: 268 x 141 mm.
No copy has been recorded of the V. & P. of this Session.
331. —Laws | of | Maryland,] made and passed | at a | Session of Assembly,| begun and
held at the City of Annapolis, on Wednesday the | Twenty-third Day of March, in the
Third Year of the | Dominion of the Right Honourable Henry Harford,| Esq; absolute
Lord and Proprietary of the Province of | Maryland, and ended the Nineteenth Day of
April, Anno | Domini 1774-1 Published by Authority. | [Provincial Arms, T. Sparrow,
sculp.] Annapolisl| Printed by Anne Catharine Green, Printer to the Province.| [1774].
Fol. i preliminary leaf, 8L-8U2, I supplementary leaf; 22 leaves; pages unnumbered; preliminary leaf: title,-
verso blank; 8Li recto to supplementary leaf, recto: text, with session heading and running heads; supplementary
leaf, verso: contents.
Leaf measures: 14 5/8 x 9 3/4 inches. Type page, p. 8Li verso: 267 x 140 mm.
Signature sequence continued from Acts of preceding session, concluding a continuous sequence since Bacon's
Lavs of Maryland, 1765. These were the last laws passed in Maryland under the Charter granted to the first
Lord Baltimore in 1632. At the next session of Assembly in 1777, the acts passed were signed by Thomas Johnson
as governor, representing the people of the State of Maryland.
MDioc. MdHS. (imp.) MDSL. LC. NYPL.
332.—Votes and Proceedings | of the | Lower House of Assembly | of the | Province of
Maryland. | March Session, 1774.| Being the third Session of this Assem bly. | (March 23-
April 19, 1774.) [Colophon:] Annapolis:| Printed by Anne Catharine Green, Printer to the
Province. | [1774].
Sm. fol. Y-Z2, Aa-Ee2, Ff1; 15 leaves; pages [83]-| 12: text, with heading as above, session heading of six lines
and running heads; p. 112: colophon.
Leaf measures: 117/16 x 77/16 inches. Type page, p. 84: 253 x 144 mm.
This was the last session of the Provincial Assembly of Maryland. It was prorogued to July n, 1774, but
from its close on April I9th until its final dissolution on June 13, 1776, by Governor Eden's proclamation and
order for a new election, it was prorogued twenty times without a single meeting having been held. During this
interval the Convention of the Province held its Sessions, and at one of these, July 25, 1776, "The Convention
being informed, that writs of Election have been issued in the name of the proprietary, for the election of dele-
gates in Assembly, Resolved, That the said writs be hot obeyed, and that no Election be made in consequence
thereof." On June 24, 1776, Governor Eden set sail for England, leaving the Province in the hands of the Con-
vention and the Council of Safety. The first session of Assembly under the new conditions, "convened by the
Council of Safety" was held in Annapolis from February 5 to April 20, 1777.