A History of Printing in Colonial Maryland
Leaf measures: 11 7/8 x 8 inches. Type page, p. 4:249 x 144 mm.
For variant title page, see preceding entry.
151. —Acts of Assembly | of the Province of | Maryland,| made and passed | at a Session
of Assembly, begun and held at the | City of Annapolis, on Saturday the seventh Day | of
December, in the first Year of the Dominion of | the Right Honourable Frederick, Lord |
Baron of Baltimore, Absolute Lord and Proprieta-| ry of the Provinces of Maryland and
Avalon, &c.| Annoque Domini 1751. | [Baltimore arms] Published by Authority.| Annap-
olis: | Printed by Jonas Green, Printer to the Province; and are to be Sold at his | Printing-
Office in Charles-Street. 1751. |
*Sm. fol. No signatures; 4 leaves (first leaf is blank and pasted to front cover); pages p-ii], [i-a], 3-6; p. [i]:
title; pp. 3-6: text; p. 6: contents.
Leaf measures: 11 1/4 x 7 1/2 inches. Type page, p. 5: 238 x 141 mm.
MDioc. (imp.) BBL. MdHS. MDSL. HLS.
152. —[The Charter of the Province of Maryland, granted by his late Majesty King
Charles the First, to Caecilius, Lord Baron of Baltimore, in the Year 1632. Annapolis:
Printed by Jonas Green. 1751.]
No copy recorded. Advertised in Maryland Gazette for May 15, 1751, as "Just Published" at 1s. 6d.
153. —[A Collection of all the Laws of this Province, relating to the Inspection of Tobacco,
made and passed in the years 1747,1748,1749 and 1750. With a very accurate Index pre-
fixed, for Direction to the Reader to turn readily to any Particular he may want to know.
Printed by Order of the last Session of Assembly, for the particular Use of the several In-
spectors and Vestries in the Province. Annapolis: Printed by Jonas Green. 1751.]
No copy recorded. Advertised in Maryland Gazette for Apr. 17, 1751, as "Just Published, (In large Quarto,
containing 80 pages,)" and concluding: "Some few Copies more are Printed, and may be had of the Printer hereof.
Price 58."
154. —Votes and Proceedings | of | the Lower House of Assembly | of the | Province of
Maryland.] (15 May-8 June 1751). [Colophons of separate numbers read:] Annapolis:
Printed and Sold by Jonas Green, Printer to the Province. 1751.|
Sm. fol 26 leaves; pages [1]-52: text, with general heading as above and session heading of seven lines; issued
in unnumbered parts, as follows:
[No. 1]: A-B2,-pp. [1]-8; [No. a]: C-DVpp. 9-16; [No. 3]: E-NVpp. 17-52.
Leaf measures: 10 3/16 x 7 1/4 inches. Type page, p. 2: 235 x 143 mm.
155. [The Maryland Almanack for the Year of our Lord, 1752, calculated according to
the late Act of Parliament for altering the Stile, wherein is contained, the Motions of the
Sun and Moon; the true Places and Aspects of the Planets; Rising and Setting of the Sun
and Moon; Lunations; Conjunctions; Eclipses; Judgment of the Weather; Rising and Set-
ting of the Planets; Rising, Setting and Southing of the seven Stars; a Table of Interest;
a Table of Expences; Receipts, for curing a Flux, a Burn, a Pleurisy, an Ague, the Cholick,
and Rheumatism or Pain in the Bones; a Description of the Roads; Courts in Maryland,
Pennsylvania, and Virginia, &c. &c. Annapolis: Printed by Jonas Green. 1751.]
No copy recorded. Advertised as "Just Published" in the Maryland Gazette for Nov. 27,1751.
156. The I Maryland Gazette,) Containing the freshest Advices, Foreign and Domestic.|
(Jan. 2-Dec. 15,1751, Nos. 297 to 348.) [Colophon as No. 3 under 1745.]
11 1/2 x 7 3/4 inches; 2 leaves each number; double column.
MDSL (complete.)