A History of Printing in Colonial'Maryland
that he be requested to give a Copy of the same for the Press. J. Green, Seer.", head and tail pieces; p. [v]: dedi-
cation, "To the Right Worshipful Alexander Hamilton, M. D. Master; Mr. Samuel Middleton, and Mr. John
Lomas, Wardens; and others the Worshipful Brothers and Fellows of the Ancient and Honourable Society of
Free and Accepted Masons, in Annapolis; This Sermon, Preached and Published at their Request, is Dedicated
by their faithful Brother, and most affectionate humble Servant, William Brogden."; pp. [i]-i6: text, with head-
piece and heading, Galat. V. 13. |....|....|....|; p. 16: at conclusion of text, "Amen".
Leaf measures: 7 1/4 x 5 1/3 inches. Type page, p. 3:159 x 107 mm.
The Rev. William Brogden, son of William Brogden of Calvert County, Md., went to England to obtain
holy orders. He was ordained deacon on Aug. 6, 1735 and priest doubtless very soon afterwards, for he received
the King's Bounty (Fothergill) for his passage to Virginia on Sept. 11, 1735. Soon after this date he is found in
Maryland where he served successively as rector of All Hallows Parish, Anne Arundel County, and of Queen
Anne's Parish, Prince George's County, retaining the incumbency of the latter until his death in 1770. He was
possessed of a comfortable estate and left a good memory and many descendants. A sketch of him by the Rev.
Ethan Allen, D. D. appears in Sprague, Annals (Epis.) pp. 85-88. See below No. 177.
BM. (press mark, 4486 aa 77).
141. [GORDON, JOHN. Brotherly Love Explain'd and enforc'd: A Sermon preached at the
Parish Church of St. Anne, in the City of Annapolis, on Monday the 25th of June, 1750,
before a Society of Free and Accepted Masons. By John Gordon, A.M. Rector of St.
Michael's Parish, in Talbot County. Annapolis: Printed by Jonas Green. 1750.]
No copy recorded. Advertised as "Just Published" at 1s. 6d. in Maryland Gazette for Oct. 3, 1750. For brief
notice of the author, see No. 117.
142. MARYLAND, PROVINCE OF. Acts of Assembly | of the Province of | Maryland, | made
and passed | at a Session of Assembly, begun and held at the City of | Annapolis, on Tues-
day, the Eighth Day of May, in the Thir-| ty-Sixth Year of the Dominion of the Right
Honourable | Charles, Lord Baron of Baltimore, Absolute Lord and | Proprietary of the
Provinces of Maryland and Avalon, &c.| Annoque Domini, 1750. | [Baltimore arms] Pub-
lished by Authority.] Annapolis:| Printed by Jonas Green, Printer to the Province; and
are to be Sold at his | Printing-Office, in Charles-Street. 1750.|
*Fol. [A]-I2; 18 leaves; pages [1-2], 3-34, (should be 3-36, pp. 28 and 29 repeated); p. [i]: title; pp. 3-33 [35]:
text, without heading, running heads; pp. 33-34 [35-36]: contents.
Leaf measures: 127/16 x 8 inches. Type page, p. 5: 253 x 140 mm.
In addition to its letter, each signature page has at foot in square brackets: [May, 1750.]
143. —Votes and Proceedings | of | the Lower House of Assembly | of the | Province of
Maryland.] (8 May-2 June 1750). [Colophons of separate numbers read:] Annapolis:
Printed, and Sold by Jonas Green, Printer to the Province, 1750.]
Sm. foL 28 leaves; pages [i]-56: text, with general heading as above and session heading of eight lines; issued
in unnumbered parts, as follows: [No. 1]: A-B2,-pp. [1]-8; [No. 2]: C-D2,-pp. 9-[16], p. [16], blank; [No. 3]: E2,
F1, pp. 17-22; [No. 4J: G-K2, L1, M-P2-pp. 23-56.
Leaf measures: 10 3/16 x 7 1/3 inches. Type page, p. 4:238 x 143 mm.
Colophon of last number has date in Roman numbers.
MdHS. MDioc MDSL. NYPL. Pleasants.
144. [The Maryland Almanack for the Year of our Lord 1751, containing the Motions of
the Sun and Moon, true Places and Aspects of the Planets, Rising and Setting of the Sun
and Moon, Lunations, Conjunctions, Eclipses, Judgment of the Weather, Rising and Set-
ting of the Planets, Rising, Setting and Southing of the seven Stars: together with useful
Tables, the Value of Coins in Philadelphia: of the Four Quarters of the Year; Negro
Caesar's Cure for Poison, and the Bite of a Rattle Snake; Roads South-Eastward as far