A History of Printing in Colonial Maryland
Pounds Current Money of Maryland: | At Forty Days Sight of this our Fourth Bill of Ex-
change, (First, Second or Third, of the same Tenor | and Date, not Paid) Pay unto
or order, the Sum of | Sterling Money of Great Britain, and place the same to the
Accompt of the Province of Maryland, | without further Advice from, Gentlemen, |
Your humble Servants,| | To Messieurs William Hunt,| Joseph Adams, and John |
Hanbury, Merchants in | London.) Annapolis. Printed by Jonas Green.| [1748.]
4 1/2 x 95/8 inches.
Bill of exchange with imprint traversing the left end.
132. The | Maryland Gazette,) Containing the freshest Advices, Foreign and Domestic.|
(Jan. 6-Dec. 28, 1748, Nos. 141-192.) [Colophon, same as No. 3, under 1745.]
121/3 x 81/4 inches, 2 leaves each number, double column.
No. 152 has "Supplement" of one leaf, as have also Nos. 156, 158, 159. No. 160 has "Postcript" of one leaf.
No. 162, June 1st, has the following extra number, containing two leaves with two columns to a page:
Saturday June 4,1748.) The Maryland Gazette Extraordinary; | or,| An Appendix to No. 162.)
No. 175 has a supplementary leaf, printed on one side only, unheaded, with head and tail pieces.
MDSL. (complete). MDHS. lacks 149-152, 154-159,162-163 171, 173-174» 177-181, 183-186, 189-192, and
has 187 imperfect. For location of scattered issues, see Brigham, American Newspapers.
133. Prince George's County is so very large, that a Division of it is abso-| lutely neces-
sary; ..... [Annapolis: Printed by Jonas Green. 1748.]
Broadside. 13 1/3 x 8 1/4 inches.
Relates to division of Prince George's County whereby Frederick County was formed, by Act of May 1748.
Protests against establishment of county seat at Kennedy Fan-ell's instead of at Frederick-Town in case the
division is made.
134. The Situation of Frederick-Town. | [Annapolis: Printed by Jonas Green. 1748.]
Broadside. 6} x 81/4 inches.
Tells of advantages of Frederick-Town as county seat in case the division of Prince George's County is car-
ried out, as it was finally by an Act of May 1748.
135. [ROYAL DUBLIN SOCIETY.] Extracts | from the | Essays | of the | Dublin Society;] Rela-
ting to the | Culture and Manufacture of Flax. |[ Annapolis: Printed by Jonas Green. 1748.]?
8vo. Imperfect copy in Boston Athenaeum contains signatures: B3, C-E4 only; pages 1-30: text, with head-
piece, heading as above and cuts.
Leaf measures: 7 1/3 x 4 3/4 inches. Type page: 81 x 53 mm.
These extracts were reprinted from the Maryland Gazette for July 5 and 26,1745, Nos. 11 and 14. In the year
1737, the Royal Dublin Society had devoted especial attention to flax culture and manufacture. Its papers on
this subject were published in the "Dublin Society's Weekly Observations" in the Dublin News Letter in the year
1737. (Berry, Henry F. A History of the Royal Dublin Society. Lond. 1915.) It was probably from the "Weekly
Observations" that Green reprinted his articles, which he headed in the issues of his paper above mentioned as
"From the Essays of the Dublin Society," (Nos. XLIV and XLV, respectively). He had announced in the very
first issue of his journal, Jan. 17, 1745, that in order to make his newspaper useful as well as entertaining, he
would present his readers with the best directions for the culture of flax and hemp, especially of flax, instructions
which he considered would prove to be of good public service because of the uncertainty of supplies and of the
prevailing high prices. He kept his word, as has been seen, and three years later rcpublished the articles in the
book described above, which on March 2,1748 was advertised in the Maryland Gazette as "Just Published," and
in addition to the title as entered above, this further description was given of the work: "With Cuts, representing
the principal Instruments used in Flax-Dressing." Some of these cuts are present in the Boston Athenaeum frag-
ment This is probably the first illustrated book printed in Maryland. It was issued at is. 6d The typographical