A History of Printing in Colonial Maryland
Published on Monday, Feb. 9, 1747. See Maryland Gazette for Feb. 3d and loth. Sold at is. 6d. The only
known copy, the British Musuem copy, has the "A. M." after the author's name on the title-page inked out,
and on page [1] the date on which the sermon was preached in St Paul's Church has been changed from 1745 to
1746; that is, the "6" has been written in with a pen over what was doubtless a "5". In the advertisement above
referred to this date is given as 1745.
The Rev. Thomas Cradock was born at Wolverham in Bedfordshire, England in 1718; ordained deacon Sept.
20,1741, priest Sept. 25,1743; received the King's Bounty Feb. 28, 1743/44 (Fothergill), and coming to Mary-
land became the first rector of St. Thomas's Parish, Garrison Forest, in which incumbency he remained until his
death on May 7,1770. For an account of this fine old parish priest see The Garrison Church. Sketches of the His-
tory of St. Thomas' Parish, Garrison Forest, Baltimore County, Maryland. 1742-1852. By the Rev. Ethan Allen
D. D. Ed. by the Rev. Hobart Smith, M. A. with Additional Sketches. N. Y. 1898. (Illus). There should be
mentioned also the broadside, A | Friendly | Character | of the late | Revd. Thomas Cradock,| Rector of St.
Thomas's Baltimore County, | Maryland.) Who departed this life, May 7,1770, in the Fifty Second | year of his
Age. | [Thirteen lines of encomium] [London:] Printed by Thomas Worrall, No. 99, Bishopsgate without. |, a copy
of which is in the Maryland Diocesan Library. The only recorded copy of the "Two Sermons" described above
is that in the British Museum. Dr. Allen, however, had by him a copy when he was writing "The Garrison
Church" referred to in this note. See No. 189.
BM. (press mark, 4476 a 37).
123. MARYLAND, PROVINCE OF. [Baltimore arms] An | Act of Assembly | of the Province of
Maryland,| made and passed at a Session of Assembly, begun and held at the City of An-
napolis, on Thursday the 6th | Day of November, in the Thirty-second Year of the Domin-
ion of the Right Honourable Charles,] Lord Baron of Baltimore, Absolute Lord and Pro-
prietary of the Provinces of Maryland and Avalon,| &c. Annoque Domini 1746.] An Act
for issuing ..... the Sum of Nine Hundred Pounds Current Money, in Bills of Credit:....
[Annapolis: Printed by Jonas Green. 1747.]
Sm. fol. A, 2 leaves; pages [1]-4: text, with heading as above; p. 4: "Finis"; running head.
Leaf measures: 11|5/8 x 7 J inches. Type page, p. 2: 232 x 137 mm.
The dates of this Session were Nov. 6-12, 1746. The act described above was the only one passed. No copy
of V. & P. for the session has been recorded, none was advertised in the Maryland Gazette, and it is believed that
none was printed.
124. —An Act to remedy some Defects in an Indenture of Bargain and Sale,| made and
executed by Michael Curtis, and Sarah his Wife, late of | St. Mary's County, deceas'd, to
Charles Carroll, Esq; late of the | City of Annapolis, deceas'd. | [Annapolis: Printed by Jonas
Green. 1747].
Broadside. 13 x 81/4 inches.
Private law bound in volume containing the Acts of Assembly of May 1747, Maryland Historical Society
copy. Contains at end printed mandate: "On Behalf of the Rt. Hon. the Lord Proprietary of this Province, I
Will this be a Law," signed, "Sam. Ogle."
125. —Acts of Assembly | of the Province of | Maryland, | made and passed j at a Session
of Assembly, begun and held at the City of | Annapolis, on Saturday the Sixteenth Day
of May, in the | thirty-third Year of the Dominion of the Right Honourable | Charles,
Lord Baron of Baltimore, Absolute Lord and | Proprietary of the Provinces of Maryland
and Avalon, &c. An-| noque Domini 1747.| [Baltimore arms] Published by Authori ty. |
Annapolis:| Printed by Jonas Green, Printer to the Province; and are to be Sold at his j
Printing-Office in Charles-street, 1747.|
Fol. [A]-O2, P1; 29 leaves; pages [1-2], 3-57, [58]; p. [i]: title; pp. 3-57: text, without heading, running head;
p. 57: contents.
Leaf measures: 13 x 81/4 inches. Type page, p. 4: 278 x 152 mm.
MdHS. BBL. MDSL. LC. Pleasants. NYSL. HLS.