Maryland Imprints of the Colonial Period, 1689-1776
112. —Votes and Proceedings | of | the Lower House of Assembly | of the | Province of
Maryland, | at a Session begun and held May 1,1744-| (-4 June, 1744). [Annapolis: Printed
by Jonas Green. 1744.]
Sm. fol. A2, B1, C2, D1, E-F2, G1, H2,11, K2, [L]2, M1, N-S2, T1, V-Z2, Aa-Ee2, only; 48 leaves remaining in
single known copy which lacks sign. [L]2, pages 33-36, and whatever originally came after Ee2; pages 1-100+:
text, with head-piece, heading as above and session heading of seven lines; pp. 12 and 58 blank; pp. 33-36 lack-
ing; probably had originally Ff1, pp. 101 and 102, of which p. 102 was blank.
Leaf measures: 11 3/8 x 7 1/4 inches. Type page, p. 2: 239 x 137 mm.
113. [JONES, HUGH. A Protest against Popery, shewing i. The Purity of the Church of
England. 2. The Errors of the Church of Rome. And 3. The Invalidity of the most plausi-
ble Objections, Proofs, and Arguments of the Roman Catholics: Humbly addressed to the
Inhabitants of Maryland. By Hugh Jones, Master of Arts, of the University of Oxford.
Colos. ii.8. Beware lest any Man spoil you through Philosophy and vain Deceit, after the
Tradition of Men, after the Rudiments of the World, and not after Christ. Annapolis:
Printed by Jonas Green. 1745.]
No copy recorded. Advertised in the Maryland Gazette for Jan. 17, 1745, and frequently thereafter as "Just
Published and to be Sold by the Printer hereof. [Price Three Shillings.]" Evans, No. 5615 records but does not
locate a copy.
On Dec. 2, 1746 and thereafter in Maryland Gazette, Hugh Jones, under date of Sept. 15, 1746, writing from
Bohemia (Manor) addresses a letter "To the Jesuits established in Maryland, and Pennsylvania: Learned Sirs,"
in which he asks that he be shown a copy of the "applauded answer to my Protest against Popery," which he
has tried in vain to procure. In his History of the Society of Jesus in North America, Text, 2: 514, 515 and 538,
Father Thomas A. Hughes refers to Jones's work and the Jesuit reply to it as part of a long-continued contro-
versy between the Rev. Hugh Jones and the Jesuits of Bohemia Manor, which lay in his Cecil County Parish.
Father Hughes does not describe either book. He refers to Shea, I: 406 and to Records XXIII. 110, 111, E. I.
Devitt, "Bohemia."
Hugh Jones was a man of attainments. One of the advertisements of Abraham Milton's Farmer's Companion,
(see No. 234, contained an endorsement of the surveying methods described in that book signed "H. Jones, Phil-
omath.", and in the same advertisement (Maryland Gazette Sept. 27 and Oct. 25, 1759) Milton congratulates
himself on having secured a favorable testimonial from so distinguished a scholar. In Sprague, Annals (Epis.),
the Rev. Ethan Allen, D. D. contributes an account of Mr. Jones in which it is asserted that he came to Mary-
land in 1696, was Rector of Christ Church Parish, Calvert County, until 1702 or 1703 when he went to Virginia
and held charges in Williamsburg and Jamestown. He went back to England about 1722, and published in Lon-
don in 1724 a book called The Present State of Virginia... From which is inferred a short view of Maryland and
North Carolina (See Clayton-Torrence, No. 105). Returned to Virginia and became rector of St. Stephen's Parish
in King and Queen County, which he left in Feb. 1726, returned to Maryland, was rector for five years of Wil-
liam and Mary Parish, Charles County, became rector in 1731 of North Sassafras Parish, Cedl County, and died
there twenty-nine years later, Sept 8, 1760, venerated throughout the Province, in the ninety-first year of his
age. His obituary appeared in the Maryland Gazette for Sept. 18, 1760.
There is a possiblity that Dr. Allen's account of Mr. Jones is incorrect in some particulars. On the Ms. of his
sketch of him, preserved in the Maryland Diocesan Library, there is written in an unknown hand words to the
effect that there were three persons of the name of Hugh Jones mixed up in the sketch within.
114. MARYLAND, PROVINCE OF. Acts of Assembly | of the | Province of Maryland,) made
and passed | at a Session of Assembly, begun and held at the City | of Annapolis, on Mon-
day the Fifth Day of August, in the | Thirty-First Year of the Dominion of the Right
Honourable | Charles, Lord Baron of Baltimore, Absolute Lord and | Proprietary of the
Provinces of Maryland and Avalon, &c.| Annoque Domini, 1745.| [Baltimore arms] Pub-
lished by Authority.| Annapolis :| Printed by Jonas Green, Printer to the Province; and
are to be sold at | his Printing-Office in Charles-Street, 1745.|