Maryland Imprints of the Colonial Period, 1689-1776
105. —Votes and Proceedings | of the Lower House of Assembly of the Province of Mary-
land.] (26 May-22 June, 1741) [Annapolis: Printed by Jonas Green. 1741.]
Sm. 4to. A-G4, H2,12 only, in single known copy; pp. 411-474+: text, with head-piece, heading as above and
session heading of seven lines.
Leaf measures: 81/4 x 67/16 inches. Type page, p. 412: 189 x 138 mm.
MdHS. (imp. ends, p. 474, with proceedings of June 20,1741.)
106. GEORGIA, TRUSTEES OF THE COLONY OF. An | Account,| Shewing the Progress of the |
Colony of Georgia | in | America | from it's [sic] [First Establishment.| Published per Order
of the Honourable the Trustees.| London: Printed in the Year M,DCC,XLI.| Maryland: Re-
printed and Sold by Jonas Green,| at his Printing-Office in Annapolis. 1742.]
Sm. fol. a4, B-R2, S1; 37 leaves; (sign, "a" is two sheets "quired"); pages [I-II], [i]-iii, [iv], [i]-68; p. [I]: title;
pp. [i]-iii: The | Preface.|, with head and tail pieces; pp. [i]~36: text, with head-piece and heading in words of title,
signed at end: By order of the Trustees,) Benj. Martyn, Secretary.|; pp. 37-68: "Appendix", (Numbers i-ii),
with head and tail pieces; p. 68: "Finis".
Leaf measures: 11 1/2 x 7 5/8 inches. Type page, p. 2: 221 x 136 mm.
It has been suggested that the New York Public Library copy of this work, because of its lack of a preface,
is an earlier issue than that which is here described. This is possible. The collation of signature "a", which is
two sheets "quired", making "a4", is as follows: a I recto: title,-verso blank; a 2 recto-a 3 recto: "The Preface",-
verso blank; a 4 recto and verso: first two pages of text. "The Preface", therefore, occupies the inner sheet of the
gathering "a4", and, without disturbing the signature sequence, could have been added to all later copies after
there had been published an issue (see the NYPL. copy), which had [a]2 as its first gathering. Without further
evidence, however, it seems more reasonable to assume that the inner sheet of the quire, containing the Preface,
has been lost from the NYPL. copy. The two copies in the MdHS. and the one in LC. all have the Preface, and
the copy from which Peter Force reprinted in 1835 had its preface, although it lacked, or Force omitted in his
reprint, pp. 6l-68, containing appendices Nos. 9,10 and 11. See Force's Tracts, I: v.
The pamphlet was reprinted in Collections of the Georgia Historical Society, Savannah. 1842, 2: 265-325, in
which reprint Nos. 3 and 8-n of the original Appendix were omitted, and no account taken of the omission of
No. 3 in the enumeration of the appendices. A note by the editor of this Georgia Historical Society reprint as-
serts that the pamphlet was written by Benjamin Martyn, Esq., Secretary of the Trustees, and that the Preface
to the American edition was composed by "a gentleman of Georgia, and defends Oglethorpe with much zeal and
ability." It is declared in this American Preface that the "Account" is now reprinted here as an answer to that
scandalous production, "A True and Historical Narrative of the Colony of Georgia in America," printed for the
authors by Peter Timothy in Charleston, S. C., in 1741, reprinted in Force's Tracts, I: iv, and thence in Collec-
tions of the Georgia Historical Society, 2:163-263. The "Account" is a document of the greatest importance in the
history of colonial Georgia, and in addition to the editions noted above, it was reprinted from the London edition
with all appendices in The Colonial Records of the State of Georgia, 3: 367-432, vol. 3, Atlanta. 1905; and from
Peter Force's edition as No. 5 of the American Colonial Tracts Monthly. Published by George P. Humphrey.
Rochester. 1897-98.
MdHS. (has one perfect copy and another in Portfolio No. 9, lacking appendices 4-11). LC. NYPL.
107. MARYLAND, PROVINCE OF. Acts of Assembly | of the | Province of Maryland, | made
and passed | at a Session of Assembly, begun and held at the City | of Annapolis, on Tues-
day the Twenty-first Day of Sep-| tember, in the Twenty-eighth Year of the Dominion
of the | Right Honourable Charles, Lord Baron of Baltimore, | Absolute Lord and Pro-
prietary of the Provinces of Mary-| land and Avalon, &c. Annoque Domini, 1742.| [Balti-
more arms] Publish'd by Authority.| Annapolis:| Printed by Jonas Green, Printer to the
Province; and are to be Sold | at his Printing-Office in Charles-Street, 1742.]
Fol. [A]1, B-P2; 29 leaves; pages [i-ii], 1-56; p. [i]: title; pp. 1-55: text, without heading, running heads; pp.
55-56: contents.
Leaf measures: 13 x 85/8 inches. Type page, p. 2: 225 x 133 mm.