A History of Printing in Colonial Maryland
32. [MARYLAND, PROVINCE OF. Address and Resolves of the Lower House of Assembly at
a Session begun and held at the City of Annapolis on the tenth day of October, 1722. Phil-
adelphia: Printed by Andrew Bradford. 1724.]?
No copy recorded. See L. H. J. Oct. 13, 1724: "Several printed Copys of the Address and the Resolves of the
Lower House in October Assembly 1722 being produced to this house are well approved of in the manner as they
are now printed." Not in Hildeburn. For discussion, see foregoing narrative, Chapter Five.
33. MARYLAND, PROVINCE OF. The | Charter | of | Maryland,! Together with the | De-
bates and Proceedings | of | the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly,] in the Years 1722,
1723 and 1724. Relating to the | Government and Judicature of that Province.| [Royal
arms, surmounted by G R; four lines of quotation from Wisdom, chap. 9. Verses 5, 6.]
Collected from the Journals, and Published by Order of the Lower-House.| Philadelphia,
Printed and Sold by Andrew Bradford, at the Bible in the | Second-Street. 1725.|
Sm. fol. 1 preliminary leaf, A-B2, C1, a2, A-Q2, 1 supplementary leaf; 41 leaves; pages [I-II], 1-10; [i-H], iii-iv,
1-[65], 166]; p. [I]: title; pp. 1-10: "The Charter of Maryland"; p. [i]: second title, as follows, with verso blank,
The | Proceedings | and | Debates | of the | Upper and Lower | Houses of | Assembly | in | Maryland,) in the
Years 1722, 1723 and 1724. Relating to the | Government and Judicature of that Province.) [One line of Latin
with translation beneath; Type device]. Collected from the Journals, and Published by Order of the Lower-
House.) Philadelphia: | Printed and Sold by Andrew Bradford, at the Sign of the Bible in the | Second-Street.
MDCCXXV.| pp. iii-iv: An Epistolar Preface | to the | Maryland Readers.); pp. 1-64: The | Proceedings and De-
bates | of j the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly,] in | Maryland.); p. [65]: "Errata".
Leaf measures: 11 1/4 x 7 inches. Type page, p. 2 of the Charter: 240 x 120 mm. Type page, p. 6 of the Pro-
ceedings: 240 x 145 mm.
General title from American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia. Collation from Maryland Historical So-
ciety copy, which lacks general title. See Archives of Maryland, 35:149; also 35:303 where occurs the following
entry: "Thomas Bordiey Esqr pursuant to the request of the Lower House last Sessions of Assembly brings into
the House Severall printed Copies of the proceedings of the Lower House in the years 1722-1723: 1724 relating
to the Government and Judicature of this province, which were delivered to the severall members of this House.
Of which printed Copies Together with the printed Copy of the Charter of this Province and the Epistolary
preface annext thereto all bound together this House approves ....., And unanimously return their thanks to the
said Thomas Bordiey Esqr for his extraordinary care and pains in making a Collection of the said proceedings
and Composing the preface thereto and getting them printed for the publick service. Thereupon the said Thomas
Bordiey Esqr expresses his Satisfaction in the House's kind acceptance of his Endeavour in the publick service."
See foregoing narrative, Chapter Five.
34. MARYLAND, PROVINCE OF. Laws of Maryland, | enacted | at a Session of Assembly, be-
gun and held at the | City of Annapolis, March the 15th, 1725.| [Annapolis: Printed by
William Parks. 1726.]
Sm. fol. Known copy lacks title-page. Has [A]1, B-E2; 9 leaves; pages 3-20: Acts of Session of Mch. 15-Mch.
23, 1725/26, with heading as above; p. 20: "Advertisement" (of collected laws soon to be issued, see below, No.
38, and other matters pertaining to Parks's duty as printer to the Province).
Leaf measures: 12 x 7 1/2 inches. Type page, p. 5: 253 x 133 mm.
The only known copy of this, the earliest recorded issue of the press of William Parks, is that in the Mary-
land Diocesan Library. See Chapter Six in the foregoing narrative.
35. —Acts of Assembly,] of the Province of | Maryland, | enacted | at a Session of Assem-
bly, begun and held | at the City of Annapolis, in the said Province, | on Tuesday the 12th
Day of July, in the Eleventh | Year of the Dominion of the Right Honourable | Charles
Lord Baron of Baltemore, Abso-| lute Lord and Proprietary of the Provinces of | Mary-